Psychology Today

Psychology Today

College majors with the highest unemployment [CBS News 11/16/11]

Clinical psychology 19.5%
Educational psychology 10.9%
Organizational psychology 10.4%
Miscellaneous psychology 10.3%
Social psychology 8.8%

“Five of the college majors with the worst job prospects on this list are related to psychology. Ironically, psychology is the fifth most popular college degree.”

One of the essential problems with psychology is its reliance upon psychiatric or biological behavioral models — a far cry from its foundations. Psychology once followed early philosophy and initially meant the study of the soul — psyche (soul) and ology (study of). The general thought was that the mind and body were separate entities. Thus, each man and woman was regarded as a composite of soul, mind and matter.

In 1829, Webster’s International Dictionary of the English Language defined “psychology” as “a discourse or treatise on the human soul; the doctrine of the nature and properties of the soul.” In 1892, Webster’s High School Dictionary said “psychology” related to “the powers and function of the soul.”

However, all this changed in the late 1800s when German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt established the first “experimental psychology” laboratory in Leipzig University, officially rejecting the existence of the soul and declaring—without a shred of evidence—that man was merely a product of his genes. In his words, “If one assumes that there is nothing there to begin with but a body, a brain and a nervous system, then one must try to educate by inducing sensations in that nervous system.” In a Wundt textbook, translated into English in 1911, Wundt declared, “The…soul can no longer exist in the face of our present day physiological knowledge.”

By 1961, Merriam Webster’s 3rd International Dictionary defined “psychology” as “the science of mind or mental phenomena or activities; the study of biological organism (as man) and the physical and social environment.”

With the soul eliminated, psychologists set about manipulating behavior and “training” an individual much like one would train a bear, a dog or any other animal.

Although this man-is-an-animal theory is easily debunked (dogs do not drive cars, horses will never paint masterpieces and concertos have yet to be performed by an orchestra of monkeys), psychology drew heavily on Wundt’s theories and declared Man a victim of his environment.

In placing man as the direct and unknowing effect of an authoritarian and soulless philosophy, those psychologists supporting this view are promoting the idea that one’s mental health depends upon an adjustment to the world rather than its conquest. This presumes that man cannot, therefore, effect positive change on the world around him but must submit to its random will. Implicit also is the belief that he cannot even be responsible for his own mental healing, as his behaviors are entirely the product of the functions or malfunctions of the brain. In other words, that like dogs, men are basically stimulus response mechanisms.

While Man is capable of great evil, there is an inherent decency in us all that makes us want happiness for ourselves, those we hold dear, and even those we hardly know. The good is there to be cultivated. It cannot be nurtured in a world where psychological and psychiatric doctrine and thought permeate our culture with the philosophy that we are mere animals who have no hope of finding happiness outside of a medicine cabinet.

Get the Facts! Fight Back!

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Illinois Public Act 097-0245

Illinois Public Act 097-0245, signed into law on 4 August 2011, creates the Administration of Psychotropic Medications to Children Act, requiring the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to create and publish rules establishing and maintaining standards and procedures to govern the administration of psychotropic medications to children in its care.

Recognizing that drugging children under state care has been problematic, one of the provisions of this law prohibits the administration of psychotropic medications to persons for whom the Department is legally responsible as punishment for bad behavior, for the convenience of staff or caregivers, or as a substitute for adequate mental health care or other services.

Furthermore, DCFS must identify the name and dosage of psychotropic drugs administered to children along with any negative side effects.

This is a positive step forward for Illinois. Other states should seriously consider implementing safeguards against harmful child drugging by their respective Children and Family Services departments.

We also suggest supporting the federal Parental Consent Act introduced by Congressman Ron Paul, a bill which prohibits federal funds from being used to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening program.

Model Legislation to prevent a range of psychiatric abuses should also be distributed to your state representatives, urging them to incorporate these safeguards against psychiatric fraud and abuse into your state laws.

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Antidepressant Induced Violence and Suicide

In September 2009 a Winnipeg, Canada 16-year-old boy stabbed a friend to death. The teen, who had no criminal record, had been prescribed Prozac three months prior to the slaying.

The teen’s parents complained he was getting worse while taking the drug, only to have his doctor increase the dosage. He went from a loving, happy-go-lucky kid to a dark, depressed drug abuser. He began to act out violently and even tried to harm himself on several occasions.

Provincial court Judge Robert Heinrichs cited the teen’s use of Prozac at the time of the slaying as a major factor. In a ruling given November 4, 2011 he said, “His basic normalcy now further confirms he no longer poses a risk of violence to anyone and that his mental deterioration and resulting violence would not have taken place without exposure to Prozac. …(Prozac) clearly affected his behaviour in an alarming way. He was simply not the same person.”

Violence and suicide are but two of the horrific side effects of Prozac and similar psychiatric drugs.

Watch the documentary Dead Wrong – How psychiatric drugs can kill your child featuring mothers who work alongside CCHR to expose the lethal risks of prescribing psychiatric drugs to kids.

Watch a short 5-minute introduction to the documentary here.

Do psychiatric drugs actually help in any way? Find out here.

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PTSD Pathologizing Tragedy and War to Sell Drugs

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Pathologizing Tragedy and War to Sell Drugs

In November 2011, General Peter Chiarelli, the Army vice chief of staff, called for changing the name of PTSD to Post Traumatic Stress Injury in order to remove its connotation with mental illness. Naturally, psychiatrists revising the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) oppose this, as it might remove a whole class of patients from psychiatric treatment.

The diagnosis of PTSD was first included in the third edition of the DSM in 1980. Dr. Frank Ochberg, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Michigan State University, who at that time was involved in updating the manual, said he and his colleagues wanted it called a disorder because — only half–jokingly — “we figured if we did, then Blue Cross would pay for it.”

The favored “treatment” for PTSD is psychotropic drugs known to cause violence and suicide.

In 2006, The Philadelphia Enquirer reported that soldiers and veterans groups had found drug use was an increasing problem in Iraq, especially because medics were generously handing out prescription medications that were being abused.

Bruce E. Levine, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic, said that in February 2009, “Americans heard about a dramatic rise in suicides among U.S. soldiers.” Army statistics, which include the Army Reserve and the National Guard, confirmed 128 suicides (with 15 more deaths under investigation). Suicides for the Marines also increased, with 41 in 2008, up from 33 in 2007 and 25 in 2006.

In an article published by Best Syndication News on April 17, 2009, suicides among Iraq war soldiers were reported to be twice that of other wars. The number of soldiers who committed suicide during January 2009 actually surpassed the number of soldiers who were killed in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan during the same time period, the article said.

One of the suggested reasons for the high suicide rate is that with so many troops being labeled with “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” (PTSD), many of them are prescribed drugs that didn’t exist during other wars, especially antidepressants known to cause suicidal thoughts and feelings.

In March 2004, an FDA Public Health Advisory about these antidepressants, warned: “Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia [severe restlessness], hypomania [abnormal excitement, mild mania] and mania [psychosis characterized by exalted feelings, delusions of grandeur and overproduction of ideas], have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants…both psychiatric and non-psychiatric.”

Dr. Levine pointed out: “While treatment for emotionally troubled soldiers increasingly consists of antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft, recent investigations show that these drugs are no more effective than placebos and can actually increase suicidality.”

California neurologist, Dr. Fred A. Baughman, Jr. investigated a series of veterans’ suicides in 2008 and believes that they actually died from psychiatric drugs inducing cardiac arrest. All seemed “normal” when they went to bed. All of them were prescribed a cocktail of antipsychotics and tranquilizers. On January 15 2009, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that antipsychotics double the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

It was reported in June 2008 that 89% of veterans labeled with “PTSD” are given antidepressants and 34% antipsychotics. “A third, then, are exposed to the additive potential to cause sudden death,” Baughman stated.

“In order to prevent even more suicides, both the research and basic common sense instruct us that we need less psychiatric drugs and more political courage,” adds Dr. Levine.

Go here [] to read more about PTSD.

Go here [] to find out more about the DSM.

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Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam

Diagnostic & Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam

It’s psychiatry’s best-selling catalog of mental illness — 943 pages long and covering everything from depression and anxiety to stuttering, cigarette addiction, fear of spiders, nightmares, problems with math and even disorder of infancy — all reinterpreted and labeled as a brain disease.

And though it weighs less than five pounds, its influence pervades all aspects of modern society: our governments, our courts, our military, our media and our schools.

Using it, psychiatrists can enforce psychiatric drugging, seize your children and even take away your most precious personal freedoms.

It is psychiatry’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and it is the engine that drives a $330 billion psychiatric industry.

But is there any proof behind the DSM? Or is it nothing more than an elaborate pseudoscientific sham?

From the makers of the award-winning documentaries Making a Killing, The Marketing of Madness and Dead Wrong, comes the shocking truth behind psychiatry’s deadliest scam. Watch the documentary here.

Protect Yourself Against Misdiagnosis and Abuse

Anyone diagnosed with a psychiatric (mental) disorder and/or their parent or guardian has the right to informed consent before any treatment is undertaken. Unlike diagnoses for medical conditions, psychiatrists do not have blood tests or any other biological tests to ascertain the presence or absence of a mental illness. It is important to know that according to one state government medical manual, “Mental health professionals working within a mental health system have a professional and a legal obligation to recognize the presence of physical disease in their patients” and to rule out any physical condition causing “a patient’s mental disorder.”

Psychiatrists rarely conduct thorough physical examinations to rule out medical conditions, thereby misdiagnosing the patient. This can result in inappropriate and dangerous treatment, added to the fact that the real underlying medical condition is left untreated. Treatment for alleged mental illness is also extremely expensive to you or to your insurance company.

Further, if a psychiatrist asserts that your mental condition is caused by a “chemical imbalance” in the brain or is a neurobiological disorder, you have the right to ask for the lab test or other test to prove the accuracy of that diagnosis.

The DSM in Missouri Law

The Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) contains several explicit mentions of the DSM in Chapter 376 on Life, Health and Accident Insurance.

Section 376.810: Definitions for policy requirements for chemical dependency

(10) “Recognized mental illness”, those conditions classified as “mental disorders” in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but shall not include mental retardation;

Section 376.1550: Mental health coverage, requirements–definitions–exclusions

(4) “Mental health condition”, any condition or disorder defined by categories listed in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders except for chemical dependency;

Section 376.1224: Definitions–insurance coverage required–limitations on coverage–maximum benefit amount, adjustments–reimbursements, how made–applicability to plans–waiver, when–report

(3) “Autism spectrum disorders”, a neurobiological disorder, an illness of the nervous system, which includes Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Rett’s Disorder, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association;

Contact your Missouri State Senator and Representative and ask them to remove all references to the DSM from Missouri State Law.

CCHR has been vigilant in exposing the lack of science behind psychiatry’s diagnostic methods that, left unquestioned for years by authorities and insurance companies, led to soaring increases in dangerous psychiatric drugs being prescribed. Click here for more information about the DSM.

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More than one in 10 Americans use antidepressants

More than one in 10 Americans over the age of 12 takes an antidepressant, according to a recent Reuters article. Antidepressants were the third-most common drug used by Americans of all ages between 2005 and 2008 and they were the most common drug among people aged 18 to 44, according to an analysis by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics.

They found that antidepressant use in the United States jumped nearly 400 percent in the 2005-2008 survey period compared with the 1988-1994 period, with 11 percent of those over age 12 taking the drugs.

Why is this a problem?

Very few people recognize that illegal drugs represent only part of today’s drug problem. During the last 40 to 50 years there have been major worldwide changes in our reliance on another type of drug, namely prescription psychiatric drugs.

Once reserved for the mentally disturbed, today it would be difficult to find someone – a family member, a friend or a neighbor – who hasn’t taken some form of psychiatric drug. In fact, these have become such a part of life for many people that “life without drugs” is simply unimaginable.

Little surprise then that worldwide statistics show that a rapidly increasing percentage of every age group, from children to the elderly, rely heavily and routinely on these drugs in their daily lives.

Understanding society’s skyrocketing psychiatric drug usage is now even more critical than ever. How did millions become hooked on such destructive drugs? We need to look earlier than the drug.

Before becoming hooked, each individual was convinced that these drugs would help him or her to handle life. The primary sales tool that was used was an invented diagnostic system, the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM) and the mental disorders section of Europe’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Once diagnosed and the prescription filled, the destructive properties of the drugs themselves took over.

Forcing widespread implementation of this diagnostic sham, psychiatrists have ensured that more and more people with no serious mental problem, even no problem at all, are being deceived into thinking that the best answer to life’s many routine difficulties and challenges lies with the “latest and greatest” psychiatric drug.

Our failure in the war against drugs is due largely to our failure to put a stop to the most damaging of all drug pushers in society. This is the psychiatrist at work today, busy deceiving us and hooking our world on drugs.

To read the full story about how psychiatry has hooked our world on drugs, download and read the CCHR booklet, “Psychiatry Hooking Your World on Drugs — Report and recommendations on psychiatry creating today’s drug crisis,” from the CCHR St. Louis web site.

Alternatives to psychiatric drugs

Here are some resources for alternatives to psychiatric drugs:

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Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion

[This information references the book, Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook, by Ross Pelton, R.PH., PH.D; James B. LaValle, R.Ph., N.D.; and Ernest B. Hawkins, R.Ph., M.S. (Lexi-Comp, 2001]

This book alerts health professionals and consumers to the fact that approximately 1,000 commonly prescribed prescription drugs and many over-the-counter (OTC) medications deplete one or more nutrients in humans.

When the amount of nutrients in the body (e.g. vitamins and minerals) is depleted by drug action, a large number of unpleasant side effects are possible that are directly caused by a lack or out-of-balance condition of essential nutrients.

Commonly prescribed drugs that cause nutrient depletions include oral contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy medications, anti-convulsants, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, beta blockers, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines and antibiotics.

The knowledge that long-term use of many drugs leads to nutritional deficiencies of specific nutrients has been documented by a large number of studies done over the last three decades. Conclusively, these studies show that drugs deplete nutrients whether by interfering with absorption, or by inhibiting transport or metabolism. Yet this information is not generally communicated to the people taking these drugs.

Amphetamine and amphetamine-containing drugs are associated with the depletion of vitamin B1. Stimulant drugs for ADD and ADHD can deplete the amino acid carnitine.

Major tranquilizers deplete vitamin B-2, coenzyme Q-10, and melatonin.

Many antidepressants are associated with depletion of vitamin B2, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and coenzyme Q10.

SSRIs (Selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) such as Prozac and Zoloft deplete vitamin C.

There are many more examples.

How Do Drugs Work?

Drugs are essentially poisons and have their own side effects in addition to those caused by nutrient depletion. The amount taken determines the effect.

A small amount acts as a stimulant. A greater amount acts as a sedative. An even larger amount poisons and can kill. This is true of any drug. Only the amount needed to achieve the effect differs.

But many drugs have another liability: they directly affect the mind. They can distort the user’s perception of what is happening around him or her. As a result, the person’s actions may be odd, irrational, inappropriate and even destructive.

Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. So, while providing short-term help in the relief of pain, they also wipe out ability and alertness and muddy one’s thinking.

Medicines are drugs that are intended to speed up or slow down or change something about the way your body is working, to try to make it work better. Sometimes they are necessary. But they are still drugs: they act as stimulants or sedatives, and too much can kill you.

Abuse of prescription drugs has become a more serious problem than most street drugs. Painkillers, tranquilizers, antidepressants, sleeping pills and stimulants may appear “safe” due to being prescribed by doctors, but they can be just as addictive and potent as the heroin or cocaine sold on the street.

Depressants: These drugs, which slow down your brain and nervous system functions, include Xanax, Zyprexa, Amytal, Seconal, Valium and many others. Effects can include heart problems, weight gain, fatigue and slurred speech. Continued use can lead to addiction.

Stimulants: These drugs speed up your heart rate and breathing, similar to “speed” or cocaine. They include Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta and drugs known as “bennies.” Effects include increased blood pressure and heartbeat, hostility and paranoia. The stimulant drugs prescribed to children are so addictive they are referred to by experts as “kiddie cocaine” because of their many similarities to cocaine.

Antidepressants: Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Celexa are some of the commonly used antidepressants. Effects can include irregular heartbeat, paranoid reactions, violent or suicidal thoughts and hallucinations. Long-term use can lead to addiction.

Painkillers, depressants and antidepressants are responsible for more overdose deaths in the US than cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and amphetamines combined.


Dr. LaValle, one of the authors of this book, has these additional things to say in one of his papers [“Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion,” Alternative Therapies, Mar/Apr 2006, Vol. 12 No. 2]:

“One of the potential challenges facing healthcare professionals today is the problem of drug-induced disease. With polypharmacy prescribing [prescribing multiple drugs at the same time] occurring in younger and younger populations, it is becoming increasingly important to assess nutrient depletion risks as they relate to future symptoms, conditions, or progression of disease.”

“Often, patients are displaying symptoms of a nutrient depletion, and rather than a nutrient being given, other drugs are being prescribed to mask metabolic problems that have been brought about by drug therapy.”

“Dysregulation of metabolic pathways should always be evaluated to see if nutrient depletion could be an underlying cause of common co-morbidities [the presence of one or more disorders or diseases in addition to a primary disease or disorder] such as restless legs, insomnia, low energy, and depression.”

If you are taking psychiatric drugs, do not stop taking them based on what you read here. You could suffer serious withdrawal symptoms. You should seek the advice and help of a competent medical doctor or health care practitioner before trying to come off any psychiatric drug. The information in this newsletter should not be construed as medical advice.

The real problem is that psychiatrists fraudulently diagnose life’s problems as an “illness”, and stigmatize unwanted behavior or study problems as “diseases.” Psychiatry’s stigmatizing labels, programs and treatments are harmful junk science; their diagnoses of “mental disorders” are a hoax – unscientific, fraudulent and harmful. All psychiatric treatments, not just psychiatric drugs, are dangerous.

“Given the nature and potentially devastating impact of psychotropic medications…we now similarly hold that the right to refuse to take psychotropic drugs is fundamental.” [Alaska Supreme Court, 2006]

Click here for more information about the side effects of psychiatric drugs.

Click here to download booklets specific to each different class of psychotropic drug.

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Prozac for Pets

The FDA has approved a reformulated version of the much-prescribed SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride), but this one is just for dogs. Reconcile was created to treat canine separation anxiety. It is a once-daily, chewable, dog-treat-flavored drug that is supposed to be used “in conjunction with a behavior modification plan.”

Reconcile is manufactured for Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly and Company.

Of course Prozac, even for dogs, has some pretty hefty side effects: “The most common adverse events reported in decreasing order of reported frequency are: decreased appetite, depression / lethargy, shaking / shivering / tremor, vomiting, restlessness and anxiety, seizures, aggression, diarrhea, mydriasis, vocalization, weight loss, panting, confusion, incoordination, and hypersalivation.”

On October 15, 2004 the FDA ordered pharmaceutical companies to add a “black box” warning to all antidepressants because the drugs could cause suicidal thoughts and actions in children and teenagers. The agency also directed the manufacturers to print and distribute medication guides with every antidepressant prescription and to inform patients of the risks. Dogs were not mentioned.

Many other side effects of Prozac in people have been documented, such as hallucinations, hostility, mood swings, panic attacks, paranoia, psychotic episodes, seizures, violent behavior, and withdrawal symptoms.

Would you want your dog, or your neighbor’s dog, to be taking Prozac on top of existing behavior problems, given the known link between violence and Prozac in people? In fact, Reconcile is specifically not recommended for the treatment of aggression.

Read the full article at

The newer antidepressants, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) emerged in the late 1980s/1990s, marketed as being capable of selectively targeting a chemical—serotonin—in the brain that was theorized to influence depression. This has remained a theory only, and is no more than a theory when considered for dogs. Serotonin (of which about only 5% is found in the brain) is one of the chemicals by which brain cells signal each other. SSRIs prevent serotonin from being naturally reabsorbed and thus create continued stimulation of cells.

Psychiatry has been targetting you and your children, and now it is targetting your pets.

In 1998 Alan I. Leshner, psychiatrist and former head of the National Institute of Drug Abuse stated: “My belief is that today, you [the physician] should be put in jail if you refuse to prescribe SSRIs for depression.”

Today, a physician, and now a veterinarian, can be criticized, bullied and treated like a “fringe” dweller for practicing traditional, workable, diagnostic medicine. The coercive undercurrent characterizing psychiatry is manifest in many ways, and wherever it meddles, it is destructive of certainty, pride, honor, industry, integrity, peace of mind, well-being and sanity. These are qualities that we must fight to preserve not only for ourselves, but also for our animal dependents.

For more information, download and read the CCHR booklet, “Psychiatric Hoax — The Subversion of Medicine — Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s destructive impact on health care.”

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No Benefit, Possible Harm From Routine Depression Screening

No Benefit, Possible Harm From Routine Depression Screening

PsychSearch News

September 23, 2011 — Routine screening for depression in primary care, as recommended by organizations in the United States and Canada, has not been shown to be beneficial, and may even be harmful, according to new research published online September 19 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. In addition, in this era of fiscal restraint, this screening is a waste of precious healthcare dollars, the authors write.

“Canadian and US task force recommendations suggest screening, and there are many places in Canada where there is screening going on, or healthcare bodies are putting in place provisions to screen patients for depression. Essentially they assume that it’s a good thing, but there is no evidence that it is,” lead author Brett D. Thombs, PhD, from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, told Medscape Medical News.

They came to the conclusion that although the prevalence of depression and the availability of relatively easy-to-use screening instruments make it “tempting” to endorse widespread screening, they could find no benefit in the practice.

Read the full article on PsychNews.

Mental Health Screening

Recognize that the real problem is that psychiatrists fraudulently diagnose life’s problems as an “illness”, and stigmatize unwanted behavior or study problems as “diseases.” Psychiatry’s stigmatizing labels, programs and treatments are harmful junk science; their diagnoses of “mental disorders” are a hoax – unscientific, fraudulent and harmful. All psychiatric treatments, not just psychiatric drugs, are dangerous.

Click here for more information about the history, practice, and hoax of mental health screening.

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Anesthesia and Learning Disabilities

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota have found a strong association between children undergoing surgery requiring general anesthesia before they are 2 years old and learning disabilities later in childhood.

Over a third of the children who had more than one surgery developed a learning disability later in life.

The study concludes that, “Repeated exposure to anesthesia and surgery before the age of 2 was a significant independent risk factor for the later development of LDs [Learning Disabilities] … We cannot exclude the possibility that multiple exposures to anesthesia/surgery at an early age may adversely affect human neurodevelopment with lasting consequence.”

The article appears in the journal Pediatrics,Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes After Early Exposure to Anesthesia and Surgery,” published online October 3, 2011 (10.1542/peds.2011-0351).

So-called Learning Disabilities are typically treated with harmful and addictive psychiatric drugs. In the cases cited here, one observes that an LD might be misdiagnosed as a mental disorder instead of as the result of a toxic drug overload which has vastly different treatment options.

There are hundreds of common prescription and over-the-counter drugs whose side effects masquerade as mental symptoms. Look for a future newsletter about drug-induced nutrient depletion and how this can cause many symptoms appearing as mental distress.

For more information about psychiatric misdiagnosis, download and read the CCHR booklet, Pseudoscience — Psychiatry’s False Diagnoses — Report and recommendations on unscientific fraud perpetrated by psychiatry.

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