Tag Archives: psychology

CCHR Warns New Study Indicates Black Patients in Psychiatric Facilities More Likely to Be Restrained and For Longer

Researchers suggest the racial disparity may be evidence of systemic racism in psychiatry, call for measures to reduce the use of restraints. Continue reading

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How to Cultivate Empathy

A prime example of creating unawareness is psychiatric drugs. Continue reading

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Are You Authentic?

The whole subject of authenticity is not so well understood. Continue reading

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Intuition – Your Friend or Foe?

Lately there has been an abundance of social media postings about intuition or gut feelings. Continue reading

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If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It!

Humanitarian alternatives to harmful psychiatric options. Continue reading

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Forgiveness – A Benefit or a Detriment?

The wrong thing to do is accept a psychiatric diagnosis. Continue reading

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A Truly Great Library Contains Something To Offend Everyone

Offense and Offend, two related words of wide contemporary usage. Continue reading

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The Gray Shades Of Gaslighting

Coercive psychiatrists are themselves often thought by their patients to be perpetrators of gaslighting. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Perpetuates Itself Through Environmental Psychology

The claim that only increased funding will cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring of truth. Continue reading

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How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

There is a persistent theme in psychology and psychiatry that there is no evidence that intelligence can increase after cognitive training, education, or any other treatment. Continue reading

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