Tag Archives: Brain

CCHR Applauds California Supreme Court Decision Holding Electroshock Machine Manufacturer Liable for Brain Damage

Court concluded that company’s failure to fully disclose risks of electroshock to a physician meant that the patient also did not know the risks before undergoing the procedure, which resulted in brain damage. Citizens Commission on Human Rights warns device has never been proven safe. Continue reading

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Mothers’ Psychiatric Drug Use Increases Risk of Newborns Needing Urgent Medical Attention, New Research Finds

Expectant mothers considering psychiatric drugs should have the increased risks of premature birth and respiratory, circulatory, and feeding problems for their newborns fully disclosed to them by their prescribers. Continue reading

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Human Rights Group Marches in Protest to Demand American Psychiatric Association Denounce Electroshock for Children, Coercive Treatment, in Step with UN and WHO

Citizens Commission on Human Rights calls on APA to end the use of lucrative but dangerous coercive treatment and electroshock. CCHR’s exhibit in New York City exposes grievous harm that psychiatric practices have caused patients. Continue reading

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Brain Injury Awareness Month 

Brain injury can be caused by electric shock and seizures, two key elements of electroshock, a psychiatric procedure not proven safe or effective, some experts say. Patients may not be given enough information about electroshock risks to give true informed consent for the procedure. Continue reading

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Human Rights Group Renews Call for Laws to Ban Electroshock – A Procedure Never Proven Safe or Effective, Experts Say

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on depressed patients despite serious risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss. Continue reading

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CCHR Urges Doctors to Heed New Study Indicating Placebo Effect, Not Antidepressant, Improved Teens’ Depression

Teens guessing they were taking an antidepressant led to substantial improvement, while actual treatment with the drug did not, researchers found. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Diagnoses, Treatment with Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Worse Socioeconomic Outcomes for Patients, Study Finds

Psychiatric diagnoses and drugs were linked to lower income, increased unemployment, greater likelihood of being single and living alone. Continue reading

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Use of Antidepressants During Pregnancy May Alter Brain Development of Offspring, New Study Indicates

Women taking antidepressants who are, or are planning to become, pregnant can discuss these risks with their physicians. Continue reading

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Electroshock’s Serious Risks, Ineffectiveness Not Adequately Disclosed to Patients, Audit of Information Pamphlets Finds

Patients are not given enough information about the drawbacks of electroshock to give true informed consent for the procedure, researcher says. Continue reading

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Beware the Psychobabble, it gyres and gimbles!

It isn’t the brain. It’s Life. Continue reading

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