Tag Archives: suicide

New Research Links Psychiatric Hospitalization to Much Higher Risks of Premature Death and Suicide After Discharge, CCHR Warns

A growing body of evidence suggests that psychiatric hospitalization itself may be a major risk factor for suicide and other harms to patients’ mental health, especially for those admitted against their will. Citizens Commission on Human Rights is calling on Congress to investigate. Continue reading

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CCHR Observes 25th Anniversary of Columbine Mass Shooting with Call for Government Investigation into Link Between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Mental health watchdog also calls for laws requiring toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs for perpetrators of mass shootings and other serious violent crimes so the full extent of the risk of violence from antidepressants can be known. Continue reading

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Citizens Commission on Human Rights Calls for Congressional Investigation into Psychiatric In-Patient Treatment

Study Finds Suicide Risk High after Hospitalization for Depression or Attempted Suicide. Continue reading

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Mental Health Watchdog Protests U.S. Psychiatrists’ Use of Electroshock; Procedure Violates International Human Rights Standards When Forcibly Administered

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on patients, especially women and older people, despite risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss and no conclusive proof of effectiveness, experts say.  Even young children are electroshocked in the U.S. Continue reading

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Human Rights Group Renews Call for Laws to Ban Electroshock – A Procedure Never Proven Safe or Effective, Experts Say

Psychiatrists perform electroshock on depressed patients despite serious risks of brain damage and permanent memory loss. Continue reading

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Benzodiazepine Use Linked to Miscarriage; Stopping the Drugs After Long-Term Use Increased Risk of Fatality, New Research Finds

Mental health watchdog CCHR presses for DEA reclassification of benzodiazepines due to risks of physical dependency and addiction. Continue reading

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Despite Claims of Safety, Electroshock Caused Memory Loss in Majority of Teens in New Study, CCHR Warns

Researcher says study failed to show the safety or efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy. Continue reading

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CCHR Calls on Congress to Align U.S. with International Human Rights Standards and End Coercive Mental Health Treatment

Research indicates coercive practices negatively impact physical and mental health, often compounding a person’s existing condition. Continue reading

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World Health Organization Calls for End to Abusive Mental Health Practices It Says Are All Too Common

Report cites evidence indicates that involuntary mental health treatment is ineffective and can worsen an individual’s condition. Continue reading

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Studies Finding Increased Suicide Risk from Antidepressants Less Likely to Appear in Psychiatric Journals

Publication bias contributes to misperception by doctors that antidepressants are safer, more effective than they really are, new study suggests. Continue reading

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