Tag Archives: Addiction

CCHR’s Warnings of Potential Harms from ADHD Diagnosing and Treatment Supported by New Research

Evidence of benefit from ADHD diagnosis and treatment is uncertain, but the ADHD label itself, as well as the stimulant drugs that may be prescribed as treatment, can harm children, researchers find. Addressing behavior instead of diagnosing is advised. Continue reading

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FDA Updates Warning on Stimulants Prescribed for ADHD, Now Lists Risks of Misuse, Addiction, Diversion and Overdose

FDA Updates Warning on Stimulants Prescribed for ADHD. Now Lists Risks of Misuse, Addiction, Diversion and Overdose. Continue reading

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Is Social Media Turning Us All Into Zombies?

Can anything be done to combat some of the actual problems with tech addiction? Continue reading

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Antipsychotic Antics

Deceiving and drugging is not the practice of medicine. Continue reading

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Psychiatric Mind Games

The psychiatric industry is attempting to make games the subject of mental disorders. Continue reading

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Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. [Buddhist proverb]

A person in chronic physical pain may be misdiagnosed with a so-called mental disorder. Continue reading

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The Psychiatric Opioid Connection

Psychiatrists have a history of pushing addictive drugs as “treatments.” Continue reading

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Chanting the Chantix Mantra

Chantix is a psychiatric drug which can cause suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and homicidal thoughts. Continue reading

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1 in 4 Elderly Americans Hooked on Xanax

This abusive assault on the elderly is the result of psychiatry maneuvering itself into an authoritative position over aged care. Continue reading

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Buds Worth Billions – Blinded by the Buds

Let’s take a look at the medical disadvantages, to get a sense of how promoting marijuana could be unethical. Continue reading

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