Tag Archives: Foster Children

One in Four Youth in US Child Welfare System Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs, Three Times the Rate for Others, Government Says

Study is latest to find that children traumatized by removal from their families and homes are prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs at high rates. Continue reading

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Foster Children Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs At Four Times the Rate of Non-Foster Children, New Study Finds

Previous government recommendations for improved oversight of psychotropics in foster care have not resolved the overdrugging problem. Continue reading

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Putting Profit Above Children’s Lives

The Fight For Kids – “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” — Nelson Mandela Continue reading

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Great Circle Child Abuse in Missouri

The psychiatric abuse of foster children is a growing concern. Continue reading

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Task Force Against Racism & Modern Day Eugenics

Rampant abuse of African Americans within the mental health industry continues to this day. Continue reading

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Babies Under a Year Old Being Given Harmful Psychiatric Drugs

Be a Hero and help someone who has been a victim of psychiatric abuse. Continue reading

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Child Psychiatric Treatment—Drugs, Solitary Confinement, Torture and Abuse

This is the Fight For Kids. Continue reading

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Psychiatry Profiting from Community Tragedy and Racism

Racism: Psychiatry’s Hidden Betrayal Masked as “mental health help!” Continue reading

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Missouri Settlement Changes Psychiatric Drug Use in Foster Kids

Class action lawsuit against MO Dept Social Services alleging overdrugging of foster children with harmful and addictive psychotropic drugs was given preliminary approval for settlement. Continue reading

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Involuntary Commitment Under Another Name

Class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of children held in psychiatric hospitals after they had been cleared for release. Continue reading

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