Tag Archives: Schizophrenia

CCHR Calls Attention to New Research Finding More Serious Risks to Elderly Dementia Patients from Antipsychotic Drugs

Citizens Commission on Human Rights calls for government action to make prescribers and caregivers of the elderly aware of the wider range of serious risks to dementia patients from antipsychotic drugs and to curtail the wrongful use of the drugs. Continue reading

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Antipsychotics Overprescribed to Seniors with Dementia in Home Health Care, Despite Serious Risks, Study Indicates

Antipsychotic use by elderly with dementia was also linked to worse outcomes in performing their activities of daily living after home health care ended. Continue reading

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Are You Authentic?

The whole subject of authenticity is not so well understood. Continue reading

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Nursing Home Psychiatric Abuse of the Elderly

Psychiatric abuse of the elderly is extensive. Continue reading

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Are You Schizophrenic? More About the Condition

If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. When I was a child in school, it was a common taunt to call someone “schiz.” I realize now that was cruel; but I … Continue reading

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Antipsychotic Antics

Deceiving and drugging is not the practice of medicine. Continue reading

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Surprise, Another New Antipsychotic Drug

Messing with neurotransmitters is playing Russian Roulette with your brain. Continue reading

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You’re Not Paranoid, It’s Really Happening

What is paranoia really? Continue reading

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Cap It Off With Caplyta

All psychiatric treatments, not just psychiatric drugs, are dangerous. Continue reading

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Schizo Christmas Present from the FDA

Psychiatry clings to antipsychotics as the treatment for “schizophrenia,” despite studies which show that when patients stop taking these drugs, they improve. Continue reading

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