Tag Archives: Schools

CCHR Observes 25th Anniversary of Columbine Mass Shooting with Call for Government Investigation into Link Between Psychiatric Drugs and Violence

Mental health watchdog also calls for laws requiring toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs for perpetrators of mass shootings and other serious violent crimes so the full extent of the risk of violence from antidepressants can be known. Continue reading

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CCHR Renews Call for Ban on Restraint and Seclusion After New Report of School Districts Ignoring Reporting Requirements

The number of schoolchildren subjected to restraint or seclusion is unknown.  No federal law bans the practices, which are disproportionately used on disabled students and students of color and have resulted in children’s broken bones and death. Continue reading

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New Study Finds Troubling Mental and Physical Side Effects Are Main Reason Patients Stop Taking Antidepressants

Negative effects of antidepressants are disturbing. Continue reading

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Wasted Billion$ Spent On Violence Prevention

Psychotropic Drugs’ Role In Mass Shootings Continue reading

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Prevalent Proliferation of Pandemic Panic

Resilience and unity have kept us all on track before without resorting to mind-altering drugs to get through. Continue reading

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Psychiatry Profiting from Community Tragedy and Racism

Racism: Psychiatry’s Hidden Betrayal Masked as “mental health help!” Continue reading

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Crime and Mental Distress

A recent news report suggests that “Having a mental illness makes people more vulnerable to becoming the victims of a crime.” We wondered about this, because it sounds just like the incessant and inane psychobabble coming out of the “psychology … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, and Big Pharma Cover-Up

A study published June 12, 2018 from the University of Illinois at Chicago suggests that more than one-third (37.2%) of U.S. adults may be using prescription drugs that have the potential to cause depression or increase the risk of suicide. … Continue reading

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“Shoot ’em up” Is No Longer Just for Westerns

“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” [with thanks to Charles Stross in The Apocalypse Codex.] The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a mental health watchdog that has investigated school and other mass shootings since … Continue reading

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The Radical Permissiveness of Psychiatry

Permissiveness: Allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behavior. A permissive person, society, or way of behaving allows or tolerates things of which other people disapprove. Apparently the quote “DO AS THOU WILT because men that are free, … Continue reading

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