Tag Archives: Psych Drugs

CCHR Issues Alert on Mortality Risk of Psychiatric Drugs After Researcher Estimates They Are Third Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

Hospital records and coroners’ reports often record deaths linked to prescription drugs as due to natural or unknown causes, rather than from the adverse effects of the drugs – especially psychiatric drug-related deaths, a leading researcher says. Continue reading

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Unlocking Work-Life Harmony: Strategies for Balance & Success

The one thing common to all methods of handling or eliminating stress. Continue reading

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Foster Children Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs At Four Times the Rate of Non-Foster Children, New Study Finds

Previous government recommendations for improved oversight of psychotropics in foster care have not resolved the overdrugging problem. Continue reading

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You’re Not Paranoid, It’s Really Happening

What is paranoia really? Continue reading

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Give Me Your Attention Please

An often unsuspected cause of attention issues is … Continue reading

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Depersonalization – Another Fake psychiatric Disorder

Psychotropic drugs evoke an unbearable state of mind. Continue reading

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Stop the Stigma: Buy More Psych Drugs?

Little known but Extremely Relevant Fact: The Campaign to “Stop the Stigma” of “Mental Illness” was launched by the Pharmaceutical Industry. Lately we have been reading a deluge of news articles from all around the country about various campaigns to … Continue reading

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