Tag Archives: Prozac

CCHR Urges Doctors to Heed New Study Indicating Placebo Effect, Not Antidepressant, Improved Teens’ Depression

Teens guessing they were taking an antidepressant led to substantial improvement, while actual treatment with the drug did not, researchers found. Continue reading

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Treatment Resistant Depression is Apparently a Thing

Psychiatric drugs mask the real cause of problems in life and debilitate the individual. Continue reading

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Depersonalization – Another Fake psychiatric Disorder

Psychotropic drugs evoke an unbearable state of mind. Continue reading

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New study throws into question long-held belief about depression

New Study Throws into Question Long-Held Belief About Depression [The following Press Release is from the American Chemical Society ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: Wed Aug 27 2014. Read the original here.] “Mice Genetically Depleted of Brain Serotonin Do Not … Continue reading

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ADHD and Fluoride

ADHD and Fluoride A recently published scientific study links various developmental disabilities with fluoride poisoning. [Lancet Neurol 2014;13:330-38; February 15, 2014; “Neurobehavioral effects of developmental toxicity”] Here are some salient quotes. “Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and … Continue reading

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Stress Our research leading to the recent newsletter on Marijuana turned up many references to “stress” — the relief of stress by smoking pot; the stress caused by not having access to pot; the tension caused by opposing points of … Continue reading

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Too Much Prozac Turns Minnows Into Killers

Too Much Prozac Turns Minnows Into Killers ABC News tells us about recent research on environmental exposure to drugs. Fathead minnows, a common fish found throughout the Midwest, were subjected to traces of Prozac by a research group at the … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Clinic Sued for Negligence

You may recall that in October 2009, Alyssa Bustamante, then 15 years old, strangled and stabbed to death 9-year-old Elizabeth Olten in St. Martins, Missouri. In February 2012, Bustamante was sentenced to life in prison for second-degree murder. Bustamante was … Continue reading

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Antidepressant Induced Violence and Suicide

In September 2009 a Winnipeg, Canada 16-year-old boy stabbed a friend to death. The teen, who had no criminal record, had been prescribed Prozac three months prior to the slaying. The teen’s parents complained he was getting worse while taking … Continue reading

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Prozac for Pets The FDA has approved a reformulated version of the much-prescribed SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride), but this one is just for dogs. Reconcile was created to treat canine separation anxiety. It is a once-daily, … Continue reading

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