Tag Archives: Foster Children

Press Release – CCHR STL Visits Missouri State Capitol

Jefferson City, Missouri – February 6, 2019 Citizens Commission on Human Rights, founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and the late psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz, has been vigilant in exposing the lack of science behind psychiatry’s diagnostic methods … Continue reading

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Over-Drugging Foster Care Children

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) released their September, 2018 report “Treatment Planning and Medication Monitoring Were Lacking for Children in Foster Care Receiving Psychotropic Medication.” A previous 2015 OIG report found … Continue reading

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Medical Kidnapping

Whether under the care of Child Protective Services, Departments of Family and Child Services, or Youth Welfare Offices, foster children — often removed from family homes because of alleged abuse — are further abused when they are prescribed psychotropic (mind-altering) … Continue reading

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Immigrant Children Forcibly Injected with Psychiatric Drugs

A lawsuit filed April 18, 2018 claims that children detained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) are unlawfully, routinely and forcibly given multiple psychotropic drugs without … Continue reading

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Missouri Foster Care Children at Risk

Following up on the federal class action lawsuit (M.B. v. Corsi) against the Missouri Department of Social Services for the overuse of harmful and addictive psychotropic drugs among vulnerable foster children. More than 30 percent of Missouri’s 13,000 foster children are … Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. The Missouri General Assembly is … Continue reading

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Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror

Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), known as the “father of modern psychiatry” and original architect of what became the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), established the basic suppressive fundamentals of the Holocaust. The pattern was: Label someone with a … Continue reading

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Doctors in Schools

Through psychiatry’s stigmatizing labels, false explanations, easy-seizure commitment laws and often brutal, depersonalizing “treatments” and deadening, mind-altering drugs, thousands needlessly fall into psychiatry’s coercive system every day all over the world. It is a system which exemplifies human rights abuse. … Continue reading

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Missouri Foster Care Class Action Lawsuit

LANDMARK FEDERAL LAWSUIT CHARGES MISSOURI WITH PERVASIVE FAILURE TO MONITOR THE PRESCRIPTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF POWERFUL PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS TO FOSTER YOUTH FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACTS: Holly Aubry; haubry@childrensrights.org; 646.943.0541 Lewis Cohen; lcohen@youthlaw.org; 510.835.8098, ext 3045 Jessica Lillie Ciccone: lillieciccone@slu.edu; … Continue reading

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Missouri Foster Care Proposed Legislation

[See our previous newsletter on drugging foster care children in Missouri.] Here is another piece of proposed legislation for protecting foster care children from being needlessly poisoned by psychiatric drugs. Contact your state legislators about this. (This applies to any … Continue reading

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