Tag Archives: Religion

A Truly Great Library Contains Something To Offend Everyone

Offense and Offend, two related words of wide contemporary usage. Continue reading

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Psychs Accused of Giving Drugs to Yeshiva Students to Curb Sexual Thoughts

It is flatly wrong for psychiatrists to interfere in religious matters. Continue reading

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Tikkun Olam – Repair the World

Dating from rabbinic teachings circa 200 CE, the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam means “repair the world,” where it expressed a concern with public policy and societal change. In a wider sense it means to do something with the world that will … Continue reading

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The Russians Are Coming? No, They Never Left!

In 1966 the movie “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” dramatized the Cold War as a plot to make the world die laughing. We had to laugh about it, because the reality of Soviet infiltration to topple America … Continue reading

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An Affair to Remember

Infidelity literally means unfaithfulness (from the Latin word infidelis, “not faithful”); the word can be used as unfaithfulness, disbelief or disloyalty to a moral obligation, to a religion or religious belief, or as current and relentless news stories have it, … Continue reading

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Spirituality and Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines “health” as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” A more explicit focus on spirituality, often considered outside the realm of modern medicine, could improve … Continue reading

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The Glue of Society

The Glue of Society Religion is the glue that binds a culture together. Yet it has become customary to mock religion in America today. We’re not talking here about devotion to a particular religious practice. We are talking about a … Continue reading

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CCHR St. Louis Holds Three Successful February Events

CCHR St. Louis Holds Three Successful February Events CCHR St. Louis had a successful February, holding three events to spread the word about psychiatric fraud and abuse. Our annual trip to Jefferson City to speak with Missouri state legislators was … Continue reading

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The Hard Truth #2

The Hard Truth #2 In our May 5th newsletter we introduced The Hard Truth Magazine. We are delighted to recommend issue number 2 just released. Here is a brief quote from this latest issue: “In China, the Falun Gong (a … Continue reading

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Vatican Investigates Psychiatric Drugging of Children

Vatican Investigates Psychiatric Drugging of Children On June 14-15, the Vatican held a conference, “The Child as a Person and as a Patient: Therapeutic Approaches Compared,” in order to bring professionals together to discuss the harmful consequences of psychiatric drugging … Continue reading

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