Tag Archives: terrorism

How psychiatry Perpetuates Drug Side Effects

Psych drugs are now being detected in the water supply. Continue reading

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The Bogeyman is Coming to Get You

There is a tradition, especially in film, of a person with mental illness representing the boogeyman — or the reverse case of a boogeyman frightening a person into a traumatic mental state. A boogeyman (also spelled bogeyman) is a folk … Continue reading

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War, On Drugs

We thought our subscribers might find this article of interest — “War, On Drugs” by Dr. Peter Frankopan, director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research in the UK. Here is an excerpt: “Given the well-documented, widespread use of narcotics … Continue reading

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ISIS Fighters Widely Reported to be Fueled by ADHD Drug

ISIS Fighters Widely Reported to be Fueled by ADHD Drug CCHR has been exposing the link between psychiatric drugs and violence for decades. Today, CCHR joined ranks with the likes of CNN, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Independent, … Continue reading

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The Glue of Society

The Glue of Society Religion is the glue that binds a culture together. Yet it has become customary to mock religion in America today. We’re not talking here about devotion to a particular religious practice. We are talking about a … Continue reading

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Terrorism and Torture, Oh My!

Terrorism and Torture, Oh My! The United States government paid two military psychologists $80 million to develop torture tactics that were used against suspected terrorists in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade … Continue reading

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Captured Teen Terrorist Spills The Secret On ISIS

The drug that makes you lose your mind The Independent Journal Review recently carried a chilling article on ISIS and terrorism. In an interview with CBS News, a captured teen terrorist opened up about life as an ISIS fighter. When … Continue reading

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War and Psychiatrists

War and Psychiatrists We like to acquaint our readers with interesting things we read, and then work out how psychiatry is involved. The most recent interesting thing we have read (although not the most interesting thing in the world) is … Continue reading

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Army psychiatrist convicted of murder

Army psychiatrist convicted of murder A military jury on August 23 convicted Maj. Nidal Hasan in the deadly 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, returning a unanimous verdict of premeditated murder that makes the Army psychiatrist eligible for the death … Continue reading

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Missouri’s Fiscal Year 2013 Operating Budget

Missouri’s Fiscal Year 2013 Operating Budget By the numbers: Income General Revenue $8,013,837,330 Federal Funds $7,905,327,402 Other Funds $8,112,490,994 Total available income after refunds $24,031,655,726 Where it goes Missouri Department of Mental Health gets 5.8 cents out of each budget … Continue reading

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