Tag Archives: Involuntary Commitment

CCHR Florida takes on the psychiatric industry and their agenda to profit off children and families

Diane Stein, President of Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Florida, an unflinching advocate of human rights, takes on the powerful psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries by exposing their hidden agenda to profit off children and families while committing blatant and horrific … Continue reading

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Mental Health “Care” Coming to Your Community

News articles extolling “Community Mental Health” continue to be published across the United States and abroad. We thought you should know more about this. These articles generally discuss funding, either the lack or availability of public funding, for various mental … Continue reading

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The Russians Are Coming? No, They Never Left!

In 1966 the movie “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” dramatized the Cold War as a plot to make the world die laughing. We had to laugh about it, because the reality of Soviet infiltration to topple America … Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. The Missouri General Assembly is … Continue reading

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Psychiatry’s Reign of Terror

Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), known as the “father of modern psychiatry” and original architect of what became the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), established the basic suppressive fundamentals of the Holocaust. The pattern was: Label someone with a … Continue reading

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Psychiatry and Other Enterprises

Book Review Psychiatry and Other Enterprises Personal Experiences and Reflections after 57 Years in the Field of Psychiatry by Nelson Borelli, MD (Mill City Press, Inc., 2015) Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University “Psychiatry as it stands now, a … Continue reading

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The Bogeyman is Coming to Get You

There is a tradition, especially in film, of a person with mental illness representing the boogeyman — or the reverse case of a boogeyman frightening a person into a traumatic mental state. A boogeyman (also spelled bogeyman) is a folk … Continue reading

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1 in 5 Mentally Ill? Don’t Believe It!

False information published by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration claims that “19.9 percent of American adults in the United States (45.1 million) have experienced mental illness over the past year.” In fact, statistics provided on the … Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature – Involuntary Commitment

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. You can find your Representative … Continue reading

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The Greater Good

What are the limits that the State can do claiming “The Greater Good?” Strict scrutiny is a form of judicial review that courts use to determine the constitutionality of certain laws. To pass a strict scrutiny review, the legislature must have … Continue reading

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