Tag Archives: Fraud

What’s Wrong with U.S. Healthcare

The way to achieve more affordable healthcare. Continue reading

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Psychiatrists: An Invasive Alien Species?

Psychiatric fraud and abuse must be eradicated. Continue reading

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Chesterfield psychiatrist Indicted for $15M Fraud

The mental health monopoly has practically zero accountability and zero liability for its failures. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Promotes Homelessness

The homeless individuals commonly seen grimacing and talking to themselves on the street are exhibiting the effects of psychiatric drug-induced damage. Continue reading

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Fraud & Abuse in the Name of Help

What is help, really? Continue reading

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Missouri Mental Health Clinic Owner Sentenced to Prison

There is no place for criminal intent or deed in the field of mental health. Continue reading

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How psychiatry Blunts Innovation and Scientific Research

The claim that only increased funding will cure the problems of psychiatry has lost its ring of truth. Continue reading

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Supporting and Treating Officers In Crisis Act of 2019

By their own admission psychiatrists cannot predict or cure violence or suicide. Continue reading

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They say TD is Manageable; They Lie

It has been known for a long time that the use of antipsychotics may lead to permanent tardive dyskinesia. Continue reading

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Shock and Awe – the Latest Psychiatric Abuse of Children

The psychiatric industry is introducing electrical “stimulation” of children’s brains as a socially acceptable gradient to just plain shocking them into good behavior. Continue reading

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