The Eastern District Court of Missouri recused every one of its judges from a lawsuit alleging shocking corruption in the Missouri family court system.
Attorney Evita Tolu originally filed the lawsuit in the 21st Judicial Circuit Court of St. Louis against guardian ad litem Elaine Pudlowski, psychologist Dr. James Reid, and therapist Jennifer Webbe VanLuven, alleging that the trio conspired to diagnose her with a fraudulent mental disorder and use her custody dispute as an opportunity to get rich while sentencing her children to life with their abuser.
The lawsuit alleges a repeating pattern with the psychologist diagnosing a parent with a rare personality disorder they don’t have, which keeps them fighting in court and paying for various services while the guardian declares them unfit.
After Tolu filed the lawsuit, hundreds of Missouri citizens came forward alleging similar stories involving many of the same players.
The ongoing investigation into family court corruption in Missouri is catalogued here.
Psychiatric Fraud in the Justice System
There is a hidden influence in our courts, one which, while loudly asserting its expertise and desire to help, has instead betrayed our most deeply held values and brought us a burgeoning prison population at soaring public costs. That influence is psychiatry and psychology.
When psychiatry and psychology entered the justice and penal systems, they did so under the subterfuge that they understood Man, that they knew not only what made Man act as he did, but that they knew how to improve his lot. This was a lie. The experiment has been a miserable failure.
In the 1940’s, psychiatry’s leaders proclaimed their intention to infiltrate the field of the law and bring about the “re–interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong.” And they did, with the consequence that today, because of their influence, the justice system is failing.
Because of the complete lack of scientific validity, legal and medical experts recommend eliminating psychiatric and psychological testimony from the courts.
Download and read the CCHR report “Eroding Justice—Psychiatry’s Corruption of Law — Report and recommendations on psychiatry subverting the courts and corrective services.“