Tag Archives: Veterans

The White House Taking Action on Veteran Suicides

Presidential Executive Order on Supporting Our Veterans During Their Transition From Uniformed Service to Civilian Life (January 9, 2018) Relevant quotes from the Presidential Executive Order: “It is the policy of the United States to support the health and well-being … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Drugs Putting Veterans at Risk of Dementia

Almost a third of drugs cleared by the Food and Drug Administration pose safety risks that are identified only after their approval. A research study published in January, 2017 set out to determine the impact of psychotropic medication use on the association between … Continue reading

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GAO Will Review PTSD Treatment in the VA

U.S. Representatives Mike Coffman (R-CO) and Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) requested the Government Accountability Office to study how heavily the Veterans Administration relies upon psychotropic drugs to treat their patients for so-called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The GAO agreed September 27, 2017 to conduct … Continue reading

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Missouri Mental Health News

Recent information from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch indicates some progress in reducing psychiatric fraud and abuse in Missouri. Of course, the Post-Dispatch slants the information to beg for more government and insurance money for psychiatrists and psychiatric facilities; but we … Continue reading

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H.R.271 Creating Options for Veterans Expedited Recovery Act

This bill, H.R.271, introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Gus Bilirakis [R-Florida] on 1/12/2015 and forwarded to the full Veterans’ Affairs Committee on 5/15/2015, would “establish a commission to examine the evidence-based therapy treatment model used by the Secretary of Veterans … Continue reading

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Psychiatric Abuse of Veterans

Psychiatric Abuse of Veterans The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has for many years lobbied for veterans rights, informed consent, and treatment alternatives to psychiatric medication of America’s military personnel. In keeping with its mandate to restore human rights … Continue reading

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The Truth About PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Pathologizing Tragedy and War to Sell Drugs So-called post-traumatic stress disorder emerged in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, when veterans were having difficulties overcoming the brutal events they had witnessed. Three American psychiatrists coined the … Continue reading

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The Deadliest Enemy

The Deadliest Enemy is the one you never suspect “The use of psychotropic drugs, especially combined use of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs, is strongly associated with an increased risk of SCD [Sudden Cardiac Death].” —European Heart Journal “Prior to the … Continue reading

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The Hidden Enemy

Today, with militaries of the world awash in psychiatry and psychiatric drugs, 23 soldiers and veterans are committing suicide every day. Psychiatrists say we need more psychiatry. But should we trust them? Or is psychiatry the hidden enemy? Featuring interviews … Continue reading

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Military’s Use of Powerful Psychiatric Drugs

FOX Special Report Series Military’s Use of Powerful Psychiatric Drugs Last month FOX National News released a three-part series on the drugging of our nation’s military, produced by award-winning investigative reporter Douglas Kennedy, and assisted by CCHR International. The first … Continue reading

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