Tag Archives: Screening

United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The United Nations (U.N.) has published their master plan for world government: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 91 Declarations, and 17 Goals. Here are some. Declaration 26. To promote … Continue reading

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State of Fear

State of Fear The following extended quote is from the author’s appendix to the novel State of Fear by Michael Crichton. Stay with us here, we’re sure you’ll get the importance of it quickly. “Imagine that there is a new … Continue reading

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Common Core Gores Education

Common Core Gores Education [The quotes are from “Common Core – A Look Behind the Wizard’s Curtain” by Karen Hadley, in The Hard Truth Magazine, Issue 4, 2014. We highly recommend it.] We have written previously (here and here) about … Continue reading

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Typical or Troubled? School Mental Health Education Program

Typical or Troubled? School Mental Health Education Program The American Psychiatric Foundation (APF), the philanthropic and educational arm of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), provides grants to fund the implementation of the Typical or Troubled?™ mental health education program in … Continue reading

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New York Bill Requires Psychological Screening for Schoolchildren

New York Bill Requires Psychological Screening for Schoolchildren We just signed the petition “State Rep. Margaret Markey: Stop Mandatory Psychological Screening of our Children” on Change.org. It’s important. Will you sign it too? Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/petitions/state-rep-margaret-markey-stop-mandatory-psychological-screening-of-our-children This petition seeks … Continue reading

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TeenScreen Dies

TeenScreen is dead, according to their website TeenScreen.org [Thanks to PsychSearch.net for this information.] Their announcement: “We are sorry to inform you that the TeenScreen National Center will be winding down its program at the end of this year. Accordingly, … Continue reading

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Missouri HB 1987 TAKE ACTION

We are delighted to report that Missouri State Representative Mike Leara (Republican, District 095 – Sunset Hills, Crestwood, Fenton and Grantwood Village in St. Louis County) introduced House Bill 1987 with the stated purpose to establish requirements for parental consent … Continue reading

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No Benefit, Possible Harm From Routine Depression Screening

No Benefit, Possible Harm From Routine Depression Screening September 23, 2011 — Routine screening for depression in primary care, as recommended by organizations in the United States and Canada, has not been shown to be beneficial, and may even be … Continue reading

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