Common Core Gores Education

Common Core Gores Education

[The quotes are from “Common Core – A Look Behind the Wizard’s Curtain” by Karen Hadley, in The Hard Truth Magazine, Issue 4, 2014. We highly recommend it.]

We have written previously (here and here) about the dangers of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. If you have children in school, you may want to find out more about this, and take some action to stop it.

“The players behind Common Core have worked hard to create the impression that this project will be the salvation of education in America. But it is always a liability to lie in PR … this national restructuring of American education was embedded in President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package called the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 … [which] was used to bribe the states to commit to new standards of education — sight unseen.”

“Nor is it any surprise that the primary creators of the curriculum refer to the Common Core competencies as ‘cognitive and psychological aptitudes’. In short, we’ve finally turned our educational system over to the psychologists lock, stock and barrel.”

“It is only a short step to the Guidance Counselor or psychiatrist on staff who can diagnose the child with ADHD (using the test developed by a company that was recently acquired by Pearson, the Common Core curriculum publisher) and prescriptions may be written and dispensed on the spot, without parents ever knowing.”

It is not just the psychiatric industry in collusion here; it is also the psychology industry. Psychiatric drugs are not the only harmful danger with respect to Common Core. “…there are two characteristics to this initiative that make it among the most serious and fearsome: 1. its utter pervasiveness and 2. its ability to mold the minds and opinions of our children and destroy any concept of sexual morality, as well as their will to learn and succeed.”

Children worldwide are under extremely dangerous assault. Today, parents and teachers are being deceived in the name of improved mental health and better education. The results are devastating. From the beginning of the 20th century in Germany, psychologists and psychiatrists have targeted education to destroy free will. Psychological intervention in schools promotes harmful behaviorist programs such as embodied in Common Core. Academic, knowledge-based curricula have been jettisoned in favor of psychological manipulation that places emotions and beliefs above educational outcomes.

As if that were not enough, the current psychiatric push for mandatory “mental illness screening” of all schoolchildren has Nazi roots that parents and teachers ignore at their own peril. These psychological programs have trampled on the rights and roles of parents and have provided society with rising crime, drug abuse and suicide rates.

Using “gun violence” as its cover, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a cache of federal dollars that will be used for testing students for signs of mental health issues in K-12 schools.

On Sept. 22, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced $99 million in new federal grants to school districts for mental health services. On Sept. 23, the U.S. Department of Education announced another $70 million in “School Climate Transformation grants;” more than half of the money to be used for “behavioral outcomes.”

These governmental “mental health” programs and “Common Core should strike deep terror into the hearts of every parent, grandparent and American.” Find Out! Fight Back! Contact your state board of education, your legislators, your school principal, superintendent, and school board and let them know what you think. Let us know what you have done.

Download and read this free CCHR publication for more information: “Harming Youth — Psychiatry Destroys Young Minds — Report and recommendations on harmful mental health assessments, evaluations, and programs within our schools.

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