There are non-drug alternatives for adverse mental conditions.
Any significant metabolic disruptions can impact brain function. Specific clinical biomarkers can reveal how to help correct a biochemical excess or deficiency having toxic side effects including mental trauma. Once these are identified, targeted non-drug nutrients may be enough to correct such an overload or deficiency, leading to recovery from such disturbing mental symptoms.
One place to examine is The Walsh Research Institute in Naperville, Illinois, a non-profit organization dedicated to unraveling the biochemistry of mental disorders and development of improved drug-free clinical treatments through scientific research and medical practitioner education.
Dr. Walsh’s book Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain (2014, Skyhorse Publishing), presents a science-based nutrient therapy system that may help people falsely diagnosed with ADHD, autism, behavior disorders, depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease, using individualized natural nutrient therapies tailored to such biochemical imbalances.
For example, patients with a copper overload may experience depression or high anxiety. Copper toxicity can be determined with diagnostic lab testing, and is treated with an individualized, prescribed treatment of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, instead of with harmful antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.
Another example is called Pyrrole disorder, diagnosed with a urine test. This condition can have side effects of mood instability, anxiety, depression, or other behavioral disorders, caused by an imbalance of zinc and vitamin B6. Without proper clinical testing, this can be falsely diagnosed as ADHD or autism, and fraudulently treated with harmful psychiatric drugs.
Current research suggests that more than 60% of ADHD, anxiety, depression and psychosis patients exhibit a serious methylation imbalance. Methylation is a set of biochemical processes in the body for which overproduction or underproduction are both known to exhibit deleterious mental symptoms. The interesting thing about it is that there are clinical tests that show up the imbalance and suggest non-drug targeted nutrient therapy which may correct many of these challenges.
We point this out to emphasize that a psychiatric diagnosis is not based on any clinical tests, it is strictly an opinion that is treated with psychiatric drugs that have known side effects of violence and suicide. Therefore we think it is worthwhile to investigate methods which do have clinical tests and can pinpoint actual imbalances that have natural nutrient treatments.
Psychotropic drugs are unworkable and dangerous, and while they may temporarily mask some symptoms they do not treat, correct or cure any physical disease or condition. Once the drug has worn off, the original problem remains. As a solution or cure to life’s problems, psychotropic drugs do not work.
It is dangerous to self diagnose these disorders, just as it is dangerous for a psychiatrist to do so. The correct action on a mentally disturbed person is a full searching clinical examination by a competent non-psychiatric medical doctor, since there are no clinical tests for the fraudulent psychiatric diagnoses used in the psychiatric industry.
Although CCHR does not provide medical advice, we have found various resources such as these to be helpful for individuals looking for more information about alternatives to psychiatry.
Contact your local, state and federal officials to express your opposition to funding harmful psychiatric “solutions.”