Reference: United Nations Promoting Sustainable Development Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015 “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“ Sustainable: Of, relating to, or being a method or lifestyle for using resources so that the resources can be maintained and continued, and are not depleted or permanently damaged. [from Old French sustenir (French: soutenir), from Latin sustineo, sustinere, from sub– (under) + teneo (hold, uphold, possess, guard, maintain)] The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and their 169 associated targets adopted in 2015 and accepted by all Member States seek to realize the human rights of all and balance economic, social and environmental factors towards peace and prosperity for all. To this end we examine some of the existing factors which block or inhibit the realization of these goals, and which must be eliminated so that the goals can be achieved in practice. SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. Target 10.2: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status. How Psychiatry Obstructs Target 10.2 Two largely unsuspected groups are actively and deceptively fostering racism throughout the world. The legacy of these groups includes such large-scale tragedies as the Nazi Holocaust, South Africa’s apartheid and today, the widespread disabling of millions of schoolchildren with harmful, addictive drugs — including the targeting of minority children in Special Education. These groups are psychiatry and psychology. For centuries, psychiatry and psychology have provided the “scientific” justification for racism. False racial theories that equated man with animals, promoted in the 19th century by the likes of psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, British psychologist Charles Darwin, and Swiss-German psychiatrist Alfred Ploetz, laid in the foundation for the false science of eugenics and race inferiority and suppression of minorities for generations to come. Psychiatrist Frederick Goodwin, director of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in the early 1990s, compared black youth living in inner cities to “hyperaggressive” and “hypersexual” monkeys in a jungle to justify putting them on psychiatric drugs. The NIMH’s second “Violence Initiative” targeted children as young as five. Their scientific justification was to conduct research to see if African-Americans and Hispanics had a violent gene that could be controlled by psychiatric drugs. Drugs known to cause violent behavior were to be given to the children. Today in the U.S. psychiatrists and psychologists boldly demand more research funds because African-Americans, Native American Indians and Hispanics are over-represented in the ranks of the “mentally ill,” resulting in racial minorities being introduced to a whole new level of legal, mind-altering, addictive, and violence-causing drugs. The psychiatric profession has a profit interest in ensuring that racist ideas continue to influence our society. All psychiatric and psychological racist influence — in our courts, police departments, prisons, schools and universities — must be eradicated so that it can never again be used to oppress and degrade individuals. Psychiatric fraud and abuse must be eradicated so that SDG 10 can occur. |
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