Sneaky Ways to Enforce Mental Health Care on Citizens
We would like to discuss Missouri Senate Bills 331 & 21 [SS/SCS/SBs 331 & 21 – This act modifies and enacts provisions relating to law enforcement officers.] This act is mostly about police officers wearing cameras.
While it did not progress through this year’s legislative session into law, we might assume it will be re-introduced in December for next year’s session. It has a particularly odious section on mental health care.
Here is the offending section:
“If a state of emergency is proclaimed in response to civil unrest, the governor shall, at the request of the county health department, assign a sufficient number of state social workers, counselors, or psychologists to provide counseling and mental health services in the region affected by the unrest.”
This language was originally introduced in SB 21 by Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (Democrat, District 14).
We predicted last year, after the Ferguson riots, that the mental health care industry would be moving into the community in force. (See our newsletters Behavioral Health in St. Louis and Ferguson Missouri Mental Health Tips and Ferguson and Human Rights.)
Specifically —
“A primary strategy of behavioral health is the extension of services into the community — at home, school, workplace and other community settings.”
“Be aware that every mental health group in the area, and indeed in the country, is going to be offering ‘support and counseling’ to Ferguson residents for their ‘anger and grief.’ Since we already know that the psychiatric and psychological mental health care industry is an affront to human rights, special care is needed to avoid getting sucked into the mental health treatment mill.”
“State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal … is pushing psychiatric mental health care on the community.” She was quoted as saying, “What should have happened since day one is we should have had counselors out in the streets and psychologists because this community is experiencing PTSD right now and frankly, I think some officers are, too.”
Now the mental health care industry would like to make their interference in social unrest a law. Next they will be involuntarily committing protestors as a solution. We’ve been down that “final solution” path before, and it isn’t pretty.
For sure, incidents like Ferguson need to be addressed. Whether it is called “civil unrest” or “riot”, it is really, at bottom, caused by injustice.
You can not cure injustice with psychological counseling. You cure it by restoring justice.
Go here for more information about psychiatric and psychological corruption of justice.