Ferguson Missouri Mental Health Tips

Ferguson Missouri Mental Health Tips

It seems that nearly everyone – newspapers, radio, TV, bloggers, tweeters, facebookers – has been proclaiming about events in Ferguson, Missouri.

Not to be left out, we thought we would find some way to relate these events to the CCHR mission of exposing psychiatric abuse of human rights.

Find it we did, on a website called twitchy.com: “For those feeling stressed over the situation in Ferguson, Mo., State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal has shared some tips for anyone suffering from Ferguson-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: ‘Get outside’ may or may not be the best advice at certain times.” While this comes across as a joke (apparently the Senator tweeted her advice [@MariaChappelleN]), it is no joke that the Senator is pushing psychiatric mental health care on the community.

Apparently, the Senator has been outspoken about citizens in Ferguson suffering from PTSD as a result of the Michael Brown shooting in August. She’s quoted here on CBS news: “What should have happened since day one is we should have had counselors out in the streets and psychologists because this community is experiencing PTSD right now and frankly, I think some officers are, too.”

This only serves to punch up the observation that PTSD has become blurred as a catch-all diagnosis for some 175 combinations of symptoms, becoming the label for identifying the impact of adverse events on ordinary people. This means that normal responses to catastrophic events have often been interpreted as mental disorders, “treatable” with psychotropic drugs.

Expect the entire mental health care industry to jump on this bandwagon, much as Paul Gionfriddo, President/CEO of Mental Health America, has done when he said, “We can give people in affected neighborhoods access to relief services and mental health professionals to help them work through their feelings and concerns. … We can give them screening tools to monitor their mental health.”

They are even suggesting that the black community needs mental health care more than the white community, as if racial tensions are not high enough: “The Affordable Care Act has improved access to mental healthcare services for many Americans but surprisingly, the demand remains much lower than the supply, especially in racial & ethnic minority groups. African American and Hispanic Americans use mental health services at about one-half the rate of their Caucasian counterparts.”

Let’s not leave out the Missouri Department of Mental Health, jumping into the fray with both its feet with a Ferguson web page devoted to “Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster or Traumatic Event.”

Many people are not only convinced that the environment is dangerous, but that it is steadily growing more so. The fact of the matter is, however, that the environment is made to appear much more dangerous than it actually is. A great number of people are professional dangerous environment makers. This includes professions which require a dangerous environment for their existence such as the psychiatric mental health industry. They need a dangerous environment to convince people to buy their drugs and other treatments.

The psychiatric propaganda machine is working hard to convince everyone to buy their lies, particularly those vulnerable people most in need of workable help. Are you going to let them continue to promote how dangerous it is to live in Ferguson? Are you going to let them move in on Ferguson and other suffering communities with their harmful and addictive psychotropic drugs? Or are you going to do something about it? Contact your local, state and federal officials and express your opinion. Become a member of CCHR STL so that we can spread this word.

The mental health monopoly has practically zero accountability and zero liability for its failures. Psychiatry has never cured anything. Instead, as a consequence of its extensive use of dangerous drugs, it has created most of the mental ill health that it claims it can treat. No one can deny that many children and other individuals today are faced with very real problems. But to propagandize that they are a widespread mental disease when there is no scientific evidence substantiating this, is fraudulent.

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