Tag Archives: ECT

Shock and Awe – the Latest Psychiatric Abuse of Children

The psychiatric industry is introducing electrical “stimulation” of children’s brains as a socially acceptable gradient to just plain shocking them into good behavior. Continue reading

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Press Release – CCHR STL Visits Missouri State Capitol

Jefferson City, Missouri – February 6, 2019 Citizens Commission on Human Rights, founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and the late psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz, has been vigilant in exposing the lack of science behind psychiatry’s diagnostic methods … Continue reading

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The Truth About ECT

TruthAboutECT.org is a blog site created to bring about public awareness of the dangers of electroconvulsive therapy. Continue reading

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Shocking New Psychiatric Abuse – Deep Brain Stimulation

Would you let a psychiatrist poke wires directly into your brain and turn on the current? Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a process where electrical shocks are delivered directly into the brain by wires inserted into holes bored into the … Continue reading

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Psychiatry: An Industry of Death

Unrestrained, the psychiatric industry continues to harm in the name of help. Only public disclosure of their criminal practices and determined action by individuals has effected change. What has psychiatry done to earn the label “An Industry of Death“? It … Continue reading

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Neurodiversity – The Latest Psychiatric Disability Trend

With so many different “mental disorders” and no real clues about curing them, psychiatrists needed a new all-encompassing word to describe them. They co-opted “neurodiversity” — diversity based on some neurological condition. Continue reading

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Order versus Disorder

Shades of Your High School Physics Class You may have encountered this word before — entropy. Stick with us, we’re going to make it simple. Basically, without getting all scientific about it, the word means “the degree of disorder or … Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature – Abolish ECT on Children

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. The Missouri General Assembly is … Continue reading

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The Russians Are Coming? No, They Never Left!

In 1966 the movie “The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!” dramatized the Cold War as a plot to make the world die laughing. We had to laugh about it, because the reality of Soviet infiltration to topple America … Continue reading

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Take Action – Missouri Legislature

Periodically we let you know the progress of various proposed legislation making its way through the Missouri General Assembly and suggest ways for you to contribute your viewpoint to your state Representative and state Senator. The Missouri General Assembly is … Continue reading

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