Exposing the Psychiatric Diagnosis Fraud

Exposing the Psychiatric Diagnosis Fraud

Psychiatric Diagnosis Fraud

One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug sales) is that mental disorders result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. As with its other theories, there is no biological or other evidence to prove this. People do experience problems and upsets in life that may result in mental troubles, sometimes very serious. But to represent that these troubles are caused by incurable “brain diseases” that can only be alleviated with dangerous pills is dishonest, harmful and often deadly.

Such drugs are often more potent than a narcotic and capable of driving one to violence or suicide. They mask the real cause of problems in life and debilitate the individual, so denying him or her the opportunity for real recovery and hope for the future. Dr. David Stein exposes this psychiatric diagnosis fraud in this week’s Watchdog Radio show.

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Widespread psychiatric labeling and drugging of children

here to watch the video »

Help someone who has been a victim of psychiatric abuse – make a tax deductible donation to CCHR St. Louis!

Dear CCHR St. Louis Supporter,

A major thrust of CCHR’s work this year has been to curb and halt the widespread psychiatric labeling and drugging of children.

Please take a moment to watch this short video on child drugging, created by CCHR to raise awareness of this critical issue, and then please make a tax-deductible year-end donation to CCHR St. Louis to help continue the fight for kids.

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Psychology as a Weapon in Custody Cases

Psychology as a Weapon in Custody Cases

Your Rights as a Parent
Psychologists and other mental health counselors employed or assigned by family courts have the power to affect the lives of parents and children for better or worse. One such way they overstep their boundaries is
through Parent Alienation Syndrome (PAS). PAS is an alleged (and thoroughly discredited) “mental disorder” applied to one parent in a divorce-custody matter by the opposing party’s psychological expert in the following manner: “The child(ren) are fearful of or angry at Parent B (my client). It appears that Parent A has been telling the child(ren) negative things about my client in an effort to make the child(ren) fear my client, refuse visitation with him, etc. These efforts are proof that Parent A has PAS and so should not have custody of the child(ren).”

Use of this “diagnosis” sometimes obscures the fact that there may be documented reasons or logical foundations for the child(ren)’s fears or the parent’s concern, such as actual sexual abuse, domestic violence or the opposing parent’s criminal record.

Attorney Andrew J. Thompson is this week’s Watchdog Radio show guest and he discusses the overreach of therapists in custody cases.

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Short News Takes

Psychiatrist on Payroll of Glaxo Pleads Guilty to Research Fraud

A psychiatrist on the payroll of GlaxoSmithKline has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after pleading guilty to committing research fraud in trials of the company’s antidepressant Paxil on children.

Read the full article here.

Wyeth Execs Can’t Hide Behind Silence on Antidepressant Data

A lawsuit that alleges Wyeth executives told a series of lies about the antidepressant Pristiq — suggesting that it was a good treatment for post-menopause hot-flashes when they were sitting on study data showing a risk of heart and liver problems — gives new guidance to management on what counts as a false or misleading disclosure to investors.

Read the full article here.

A nutritional approach to psychiatry has been marginalized

A small branch of psychiatry called orthomolecular psychiatry which uses natural remedies has been developed over the last few decades to wean mental patients off pharmaceuticals. Of course, the American Psychiatric Association Big Pharma shills have thoroughly denounced the orthomolecular approach as “snake oil”.

Read the full article here.

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Victory Over ADHD—A Mother’s Story

Victory Over ADHD—A Mother’s Story

Victory Over ADHD—A Mother's Story
Her story details the struggles of raising twin sons, who were born ten weeks premature. Both had many developmental delays and by six years old they had been diagnosed with ADHD. All the psychologists and psychiatrists, and several teachers, recommended Ritalin to address their issues. She was desperate and willing to try anything to treat her childen’s symptoms. Yet, her husband said “No way” and was adamant about his beliefs, so she supported his position.

She took her children off dairy products at six years of age, and that decision became the beginning of their alternative, holistic journey. She would spend the next seven years learning about and trying alternative medicine and lifestyle approaches. After years of high hopes and disappointments in treating their children’s ADHD, they finally found a natural, non-drug approach that actually worked and it had lasting, permanent change. This week’s Watchdog Radio show guest, Deborah Merlin, hopes and believes that other parents and doctors will experience the same results using her approach and suggestions to give you hope on your family’s journey to better health and happiness.

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The Drugging of Our Children and Decline of American Education

The Drugging of Our Children and Decline of American Education

The Drugging of Our Children and Decline of American EducationIt is estimated that in the United States between 4 million and 8 million children are on Ritalin, the drug being used to change the behavior of children afflicted with a so-called “disease” called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD. We already know that the long-term use of Ritalin can be fatal.

What parents are not being told by psychiatrists who prescribe the drug and the school nurses who give it to the kids is that taking Ritalin is like playing Russian roulette, simply because nobody can be sure what the
side-effects will be. Why would anyone subject a child to a drug with so many possible harmful side effects simply to “treat” an attention problem? How about creating classrooms with more order and fewer distractions.

This week’s guest, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, has published ten books on education in America, and he has spent much of his career investigating the decline in American literacy, the reasons for the high rate of learning disabilities in American children, the reasons why so many children are labeled ADD, and why the school system refuses to use intensive phonics in reading instruction.

Download the podcast here.

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1 in 5 Mentally Ill? Don’t Believe It!

Recent false information published by the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration claims that “19.9 percent of American adults in the United States (45.1 million) have experienced mental illness over the past year.”

In fact, statistics provided on the number of people suffering mental illness are completely false or, at best, questionable.

Psychiatry has literally covered every base with invented criteria. The migraine sufferer has a “pain disorder,” the child who fidgets is “hyperactive,” the person who smokes has a “nicotine” disorder, a low math score is “developmental arithmetic disorder,” arguing with parents is “oppositional defiance disorder.”

Counting these normal human problems, emotions and reactions as “mental illness” is a fraud, designed to solicit funds for the mental health industry and sell more drugs.

The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the book that contains names and descriptions of 374 so-called mental disorders (including everything from depression to “caffeine withdrawal disorder”.)

Doctors, psychiatrists and other medical and mental health practitioners use the DSM to diagnose patients. Each DSM mental disorder description carries a code that clinicians can use to substantiate claims for health insurance reimbursement.

Though it has become very influential since it first appeared in 1952 (when it only contained 112 disorders), there is one crucial test the DSM has never passed: scientific validity. In fact, after more than 50 years of deception, broad exposure is now being given to the unscientific and ludicrous nature of this “943-page doorstop.”

Psychiatric diagnosis has come to be accepted as legitimate, reliable and scientific, though it is based on a system whose own authors admit that it is not. Within the covers of the various editions of DSM, its editors freely admit to the book’s intended use and its limitations.

For example, the DSM-IV states, “…although this manual provides a classification of mental disorders, it must be admitted that no definition adequately specifies precise boundaries for the concept of ‘mental disorder.'”

The fifth edition of DSM, planned for release in 2013, has been garnering continuous criticism for the widening inclusion of a new series of so-called behavioral addictions to shopping, sex, food, videogames, the Internet and so on. The contention of many is that the DSM’s developers are seeking to label all manner of normal emotional reactions or human behavioral quirks as mental disorders – thereby falsely increasing the numbers of “mentally ill” people who would then be prescribed one or more drugs that carry all manner of serious side effect warnings.

Based on the DSM then, statistics are touted about near “epidemic” rates of mental illness in order to demand more funds.

The apparent epidemic of “mental illness” is because psychiatry, working with the pharmaceutical industry, invents new disorders almost every year. Take, for example, “Intermittent Explosive Disorder,” often referred to as “Road Rage” and which psychiatrists report afflicts one in 20, about 16 million Americans. How, exactly, did psychiatrists come up with this? They conducted a survey. The survey asked American adults if they had ever experienced three anger outbursts in their entire life. Not surprisingly, a whole lot of people said they had. From this flimsy evidence the Archives of General Psychiatry printed the survey results that hype this fictitious disease.

In September 2001, a U.S. Senate hearing on “Psychological Trauma and Terrorism” was told that, “Seventy?one percent of Americans said that they have felt depressed by the [9/11] attacks.” It’s a worrying statistic, until one realizes that the survey was conducted during the six days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks when Americans were, naturally, in a state of shock. The survey sampled 1,200 people only, which, by some quantum leap, led to the conclusion that nearly three?quarters of Americans were mentally damaged, requiring “professional” help.

What did have an impact were psychotropic drug sales. Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, new prescriptions for antidepressants in New York jumped 17% and prescriptions for anti?anxiety drugs rose 25%.

Behind the alarming reports of mental illness gripping our nation are psychiatrists and drug companies inventing diseases and placing healthy people at risk.

People can have problems in life; these are not, however, some mental illness caused by a deficiency of psychotropic drugs in their brains. Click here to find out the alternatives to psychiatric drugs.

With $76 billion spent every year on psychiatric drugs internationally, and billions more in psychiatric research, one would and should expect an improving condition. However, after decades of psychiatric monopoly over the world’s mental health, their approach leads only to massive increases in people taking mind-altering drugs, escalating funding demands, and up to $40 billion a year in mental health care fraud in the U.S.

What are you going to do about it? Get the Facts. Fight Back.

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Our New 30 Second Video: Antidepressant Warning

Our New 30 Second Video: Antidepressant Warning

Click image to watch

antidepressant warning

Also visit CCHR’s Psychiatric Drug Side Effects Database: The
only easy way to search a summary of all psychiatric drug warnings
and studies in the world. http://www.cchrint.org/psychdrugdangers/

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Children are being given psychiatric drugs to help them sleep

A survey of nearly 1300 child psychiatrists indicates that insomnia is a major problem among children in mental health treatment and at least a quarter of these patients are given drugs to “help” them sleep. [Read the full article here.]

The sleep medications prescribed ranged all over the drug spectrum, including sedating medications for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), antidepressants like trazodone, and antipsychotics. Apparently, use of psychiatric drugs for insomnia symptoms in children is a common clinical practice.

Why is this bad? Take, for example, trazodone (brand name Desyrel), an antidepressant. In 2004 the FDA ordered pharmaceutical companies to add a “black box” warning to all antidepressants because the drugs could cause suicidal thoughts and actions in children and teenagers. Guess what some of the other potential side effects of trazodone are? That’s right, insomnia and nightmares.

[Editorial Comment] When I couldn’t sleep as a child, I recall being read a bedtime story. Guess what I do now? I get up and read for a while.

There are no less than 13 sleep related disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV):

291.8  Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder
292.89  Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder (Amphetamine, Caffeine, etc.)
307.45  Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder
307.46  Sleep Terror Disorder
307.46  Sleepwalking Disorder
307.47  Dyssomnia (sleep disturbance)
307.47  Nightmare Disorder
307.47  Parasomnia (sleep disturbance)
780.52  Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Insomnia Type
780.54  Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Hypersomnia Type
780.59  Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Parasomnia
780.59  Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Mixed Type
780.59  Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder

Psychiatrists fraudulently diagnose insomnia as a “mental illness” for which they can prescribe harmful and addictive drugs to children. Let others know how bad this is. Get the Facts. Fight Back.

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Placebo Games

Placebos used in thousands of clinical trials conducted over the last few decades may have compromised study results, rendering the studies scientifically invalid.

A placebo is a supposedly inert substance given to a group of participants in a clinical drug trial so that the drug’s effects in a group of participants can be compared to a group of participants who did not get the drug. The word “placebo” is from Latin, literally “I shall be acceptable or pleasing,” from placere “to please.”

In a paper published in the Annals of Internal Medicine [“What’s in Placebos: Who Knows? Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials” October 19, 2010 vol. 153 no. 8 532-535] it is revealed that no regulations govern placebo composition, and the composition of placebos can influence trial outcomes.

It was found that the composition of placebos was seldom described in randomized, controlled trials of pills or capsules. Because the nature of the placebo can influence trial outcomes, placebo formulation should be disclosed in reports of placebo-controlled trials.

Sometimes placebos are described as sugar pills. Well, we all know how sugar can influence behavior. One example: in a trial involving AIDS patients the researchers used placebos containing lactose. AIDS patients tend to be lactose intolerant. Since the trial is hoping for a drug that works better than a placebo, if the placebo happens to influence a worse outcome, then that may make the drug look better.

Some studies are now showing that some psychiatric drugs are no more effective than placebos. One recent study stated that, “The magnitude of benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo … may be minimal or nonexistent, on average, in patients with mild or moderate symptoms.”

Another article said, “[The benefit of antidepressants] is hardly more than what patients get when they, unknowingly and as part of a study, take a dummy pill — a placebo. As more and more scientists who study depression and the drugs that treat it are concluding, that suggests that antidepressants are basically expensive Tic Tacs.”

If you are taking these drugs, do not stop taking them based on what you read here. You could suffer serious withdrawal symptoms. You should seek the advice and help of a competent medical doctor or practitioner before trying to come off any psychiatric drug.

The real problem, however, is that psychiatrists, and now non-psychiatric doctors, are fraudulently diagnosing life’s problems as an “illness,” stigmatizing unwanted behavior or study problems as “disease,” and prescribing harmful and addictive psychoactive drugs as so-called “treatment” when they know that their own studies show that these drugs are no more effective than a placebo.

Psychiatry’s stigmatizing labels, programs and treatments are harmful junk science; their diagnoses of “mental disorders” are a hoax — unscientific, fraudulent and harmful. All psychiatric treatments, not just psychiatric drugs, are dangerous.

Click here for more information about the alternatives to psychiatric drugging.

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