Drugs to treat neuropsychiatric disorders have become too risky for big pharma

An article in the August, 2011 Scientific American, written by directors at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, claims that “many big drug companies are pulling the plug on R&D for neuropsychiatric and other central nervous system (CNS) medicines.”

While we rejoice at this good news, it is accompanied by equally distressing news about the Coalition Against Major Diseases, and the Cures Acceleration Network (courtesy of the new health care reform law,) which are bent on finding more cost-effective ways to find new drugs.

Given that harmful and addictive psychiatric drugs are a problem of magnitude, an even larger and more fearful problem is the psychiatric industry itself, which relies on fraudulent diagnoses to justify the use of these drugs. Psychiatrists are so anxious to produce an effect, since they know they cannot cure anything, that they rely on shocking people with drugs, electroconvulsive therapy and involuntary commitment, in order to produce an impact. When you produce a sufficient amount of horror in people by shocking them with these “treatments” they react hypnotically and fall under psychiatric control. The combination of false diagnoses and harmful treatments makes patients for life, they just keep coming back for more (the basic definition of addiction,) just the thing to keep up a steady income for the psychopharmaceutical industry.

What is the alternative to psychiatric fraud and abuse? One is afraid that the alternative is an even bigger problem — how to bring enough order, activity, potentiality, good sense and communication into the environment so that people can really function well and improve their conditions in life.

Let us start by putting psychiatry and psychiatrists out of business. Insist that they promise to refuse to accept money from anyone they feel they cannot honestly help. Write your local, state and federal officials and tell them what you think. Tell them to provide funding and insurance coverage only for proven, workable treatments that verifiably and dramatically improve or cure mental health problems; and cut funding and insurance coverage for unproven, unworkable, and harmful treatments that perpetuate the fraud and abuse in the mental health care industry.

Click here for more information about psychiatric fraud and abuse.

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Risperidone Ineffective for PTSD

Risperidone Ineffective for PTSD

A recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical
investigated whether the antipsychotic drug risperidone
would be effective for veterans diagnosed with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Serotonin reuptake-inhibiting (SRI) antidepressants are currently the only FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of PTSD. This study used risperidone on veterans who were not responding to ongoing treatment with SRI antidepressants.

Risperidone is an atypical antipsychotic drug, also called a major tranquilizer, neuroleptic (nerve-seizing) drug, or chemical straightjacket. The ingestion of a single tablet of risperidone may cause significant toxic poisoning in a toddler. This class of antipsychotics may also cause increased risk of diabetes, and an increased risk of stroke and death in the elderly.

All antipsychotics can cause akathisia (a word derived from a, without; kathisia, sitting; an inability to keep still). Akathisia is a terrible feeling of anxiety, an inability to sit still, a feeling that one wants to crawl out of his skin. This side effect has been linked to assaultive, violent behavior and can be experienced by up to 76% of patients taking the drugs.

The conclusion drawn by this study is, “Among patients with military-related PTSD with SRI-resistant symptoms, 6-month treatment with risperidone compared with placebo did not reduce PTSD symptoms.”

The study also found that adverse effects limited some patients from reaching their targeted drug dose.

In other words, risperidone is no more effective than a placebo for PTSD, and in addition it has bad side effects.

A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in September, 2005 had already shown that this class of antipsychotic drugs were ineffective and have intolerable side effects.

Why are psychiatric researchers again investigating a drug already proven to be ineffective and that has potentially devastating side effects? One might presume that there is so much money and time invested in developing this drug that they are desperate to find some way to use it and continue to reap its profits. Or one might presume that they really do intend to cause as much damage from this drug as they can.

Behind the alarming reports of mental illness gripping our nation are drug companies inventing diseases. Disease mongering promotes nonexistent diseases and exaggerates mild conditions in order to boost profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

So-called post-traumatic stress disorder emerged in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, when veterans were having difficulties overcoming the brutal events they had witnessed. Three American psychiatrists coined the term PTSD and lobbied for its inclusion in the 1980 edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s “billing bible,” the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). While the effects of war are devastating, psychiatrists use people’s logical reactions to it to make money at the expense of their vulnerability.

We’ve been led to assume, by psychiatric “crisis teams” sent almost immediately to any terrorism or disaster scene, that people suffer severe psychic wounds from experiencing such traumas, or even from being in the general vicinity when they occur. The DSM categorizes symptoms most survivors experience following a disaster as “acute stress disorder” or “posttraumatic stress disorder” (PTSD), but are these people really suffering from a “disorder” requiring psychotherapy and the use of potentially addictive medications?

Some experts say that most of the soldiers suffering the effects of participating in particularly dangerous missions were experiencing battle fatigue, or in other words, exhaustion, not “mental illness.”

Today, PTSD has become blurred as a catch-all diagnosis for some 175 combinations of symptoms, becoming the label for identifying the impact of adverse events on ordinary people. This means that normal responses to catastrophic events have often been interpreted as mental disorders.

Psychiatric trauma treatment at best is useless, and at worst highly destructive to victims seeking help. By medicalizing what is a non-medical condition and introducing harmful drugs as a therapy, victims have been denied effective treatment options.

What’s more, the prescription of these drugs is often accompanied by a lack of fully informed consent. Look for a future newsletter about this aspect of the situation.

Click here for more information about this.

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The Parental Consent Act

The Parental Consent

Ron Paul
Congressman Ron Paul has re-introduced The Parental Consent Act, a bill which prohibits federal funds from being used to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening program.

The Parental Consent Act 2011 (H.R. 2769 – previously H.R. 2218 in 2009) prohibits federal education funds from being used to pay any local educational agency or other instrument of government that uses the refusal of a parent or legal guardian to provide consent to mental health screening as the basis of a charge of child abuse, child neglect, medical neglect, or education neglect until the agency or instrument demonstrates that it is no longer using such refusal as a basis of such charge.

Click here to read more

Sign the petition in support of The Parental Consent Act here:


Watch the video for more information:

Ron Paul’s Parental Consent Act Reintroduced in 2011

Kent Snyder, Presidential Campaign Manager for Ron Paul 2008 and former Executive Director of the Liberty Committee discusses the federal plan to screen all US schoolchildren for mental disorders, and how this prompted Congressman Ron Paul to introduce the Parental Consent Act.

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DC 0 to 3

DC 0 to 3

Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, Revised (DC:0-3R)

Your future generations are in peril. Your children are at risk from psychiatric fraud and abuse.

The Zero To Three organization first published DC:0-3 in 1994 to classify what they called “mental health and developmental disorders” in the first four years of life (ages 0 to 3.)

Like the fake “psychosis risk syndrome” we’ve discussed before, they extoll the virtue of diagnosing and treating infants from birth to age 3 for mental disorders, or treating them pre-emptively for the potential to develop a mental disorder at a later age.

Gag me!

Here are some of the “mental disorders” for which an infant can be diagnosed and given psychiatric drugs:

– Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g. any emotionally stressful condition)
– Prolonged Bereavement/Grief Reaction (e.g. losing a primary caregiver)
– Separation Anxiety Disorder
– Sleep-Onset Disorder (frankly, I never wanted to go to bed that early)
– Night-Waking Disorder (we used to call this either hunger, thirst, or “dreaming about the bogeyman”)
– Sensory Food Aversions (e.g. refusal to eat certain foods)

We don’t know about you, but we’ve never met an infant (especially ourselves) that did not exhibit one or more of these symptoms at one time or another. We grew out of it; we presume, with proper medical and parental attention, that the vast majority of infants recover normally as well.

The current revision, DC:0-3R, is supposed to help mental health and other professionals recognize mental health and developmental challenges in young children, and of course provide a rationale for prescribing psychiatric drugs and other psychiatric treatments, not unlike the psychiatric billing bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but specific to infants.

This is really happening, folks. Your children are at risk.

We suggest you express your outrage to your local, state and federal officials. Show the CCHR DVD documentaries to your schools, churches, doctors, newspapers, legislators, and so on — wherever you have an opportunity. If you need a copy of a CCHR DVD to play for others, let us know. A donation to help us spread this information around would be helpful.

What are the alternatives to a child’s restless dreams of the bogeyman? Given that the very first alternative to psych drugs is No-Psych-Drugs, one suspects that there are any number of natural alternatives.

Because if an infant or child gets hooked on psychiatric drugs, the bogeyman dreams may be a lot more difficult to manage.

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ADHD-Labeling normal kids “mentally ill”

normal kids “mentally ill”

Click the picture to watch a short video.

ADHD is a bogus mental “disorder” based off a checklist of behaviors.
There are no medical tests to prove any child has ADHD, yet more than 4.5 million kids have been diagnosed and put on drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta, which the U.S. DEA places in the same highly addictive category of drugs as cocaine, morphine and opium. The “checklist” for ADHD could fit any normal child and literally includes such ridiculous criteria as

“loses pencils or toys”
“often does not seem to listen”
“is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli” (what kid isn’t?)
“runs about or climbs excessively in situations when it is not appropriate” (we are talking about KIDS here… right?)

To summarize: there are no blood tests, brain scans, chemical imbalance tests, X-rays or “genetic” factors to prove any child has a mental “illness” called ADHD. This is simply a list of child-like behaviors that psychiatrists clustered together, repackaged as a mental disorder and the result is a multi billion dollar empire — the child labeling and drugging industry.

For more information go to http://www.cchrint.org/psychiatric-disorders/.

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The Psychiatric Abuse of the Elderly

Psychiatric Abuse of the Elderly

Click on the picture to find out about the disastrous legacy of the widespread introduction of psychiatric treatment into the care of the elderly over the last few decades.

Click here to download and read the CCHR booklet “Elderly Abuse — Cruel Mental Health Programs — Report and recommendations on psychiatry abusing seniors.”

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Psychiatric Labeling

Psychiatric Labeling

“Confirmation bias” is a term used to describe the tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions regardless of whether the information is true.

As a result, people may gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way.

A recent paper (“Confirmation bias: why psychiatrists stick to wrong preliminary diagnoses“, published 5/20/11 in Cambridge Journals Online) studied this phenomenon to find out whether psychiatrists and medical students are prone to confirmation bias, and whether this leads to poor diagnostic accuracy in psychiatry.

The results were revealing. After having made a preliminary diagnosis, it was common for the study participants to stick to this diagnosis, right or wrong, when presented with new information that could potentially change the diagnosis. Participants making a wrong diagnosis also prescribed different treatment options compared with participants choosing the correct diagnosis.

The paper concludes, “Confirmatory information search harbors the risk of wrong diagnostic decisions.”

Now, couple this built-in bias with a blatantly fraudulent psychiatric diagnostic manual, and we get diagnostic mayhem and treatment nightmares.

The DSM IV (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, volume 4) is the current version of the psychiatrist’s billing bible from which they must draw their diagnoses in order to collect insurance payments.

Using the DSM, a psychiatrist labels the patient with a “mental disorder”, prescribes him a drug, and bills the patient’s insurance. The psychiatrist with the DSM in hand can try various labels on the patient until he finds one that either fits the patient’s symptoms or comes close enough to allow him to bill the patient’s insurance.

As the diagnoses completely lack scientific criteria, anyone can be labeled mentally ill, and subjected to dangerous and life threatening “treatments” based solely on opinion.

Fraudulent diagnoses, harmful treatments, confirmation bias, and bogus labels = psychiatry’s own psychosis, labeling everything a mental illness.

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Forest Labs’ CEO Faces Exile

Forest Labs’ CEO Faces Exile

The Forest Laboratories CEO, Howard Solomon, who built his company’s fortune on the antidepressants Celexa and Lexapro, faces exile from the health-care industry.

On Apr. 12, Solomon learned that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) which handles the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to fight waste and fraud in government health programs, is considering “excluding” him. Technically, this means exclusion from doing business with federal health programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Affairs Department. Functionally, it means a ban from the entire health-care industry.

Forest’s troubles began in 2001, when Joseph Piacentile, a non-practicing physician in N.J., filed an action alleging that Forest was providing kickbacks to doctors who prescribed Celexa. In 2003, Christopher Gobble, a salesman who had been fired in 2002 by Forest Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary, filed a whistleblower suit in federal court in Boston alleging that the company was illegally pushing doctors to prescribe its antidepressants to children.

In September 2010, more than seven years after Gobble filed his suit, Forest Pharmaceuticals pleaded guilty to three criminal charges and settled civil claims filed by the Justice Department with a $313 million fine. Forest admitted it obstructed the FDA by concealing information, distributed an unapproved thyroid drug, and illegally promoted Celexa for use by children and adolescents.

In March, Lewis Morris, chief counsel to the inspector general, testified to Congress that “we are concerned that the providers that engage in health-care fraud may consider civil penalties and criminal fines a cost of doing business” and said that the government is forced to allow major pharmaceutical makers that have been convicted of crimes and have paid millions in fines to continue to participate in health-care programs because of the “potential patient harm that could result from an exclusion” of an entire company.

Hence, the move currently under consideration by the OIG to hold the CEO accountable by excluding him personally from participating in federal health programs, and thus forcing him out of the company.

Read the full article in the July 18 Bloomberg Businessweek and send an email to the author, Dune Lawrence, thanking him for a fine job of reporting.

Write the OIG (paffairs@oig.hhs.gov; hhstips@oig.hhs.gov) and let them know you think excluding Solomon is a necessary action. It may not hurt to mention that Celexa and Lexapro manufactured by Forest are addictive and harmful psychotropic drugs prescribed for fraudulent mental disorders. There are no physical tests or scientific evidence to substantiate the theory that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression or any mental disorder. SSRI’s such as Celexa and Lexapro are no more effective than placebo, and can cause violence and suicide.

Click here for more information about the side effects of these drugs.

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Loughner Medicated Again

Jared Loughner pleaded not guilty to 49 charges in the January 8 shooting that left six people dead and 13 wounded, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona. He has been at the Springfield, Missouri federal prison since May 27 after a federal judge concluded that he was mentally unfit to help in his legal defense.

Loughner was forcibly medicated between June 21 and July 1. He was given twice-daily doses of risperidone, an antipsychotic also called a major tranquilizer or neuroleptic.

Prison officials stopped doing that on July 2 after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted his lawyers’ request for a temporary stay of involuntary medication.

While being examined on July 8, Loughner said he was depressed and he was put on a suicide watch. The federal appeals court reversed itself and refused to bar prison officials from forcibly administering psychotropic drugs to Loughner, which they promptly resumed.

What are they not telling us?

It could be dangerous to immediately cease taking psychiatric drugs because of potential significant withdrawal side effects. Sudden withdrawal from risperidone specifically has the side effects of depression, hostility, violence, mood changes, unusual behavior, and suicidal thoughts.

Psychiatrists then blame these drug withdrawal side effects on some fraudulent mental disorder requiring treatment by more psychiatric drugs.

Notwithstanding the fact that Loughner is charged with serious crimes for which he should be held accountable if found guilty, there is still a serious violation of medical ethics and human rights in forcibly drugging a person with addictive, psychotropic drugs that have the same behavioral results for which the person is ostensibly being “treated.”

The rehabilitation of criminals is a long-forgotten dream. We build more prisons and pass even tougher laws in the belief that these will act as a deterrent. Meanwhile, honest people are losing faith in justice itself as they see vicious criminals avoid conviction through the use of bizarre and incomprehensible defense tactics. The hidden influence of psychiatry and psychiatrists in our courts and justice system has betrayed us.

Click here for more information about psychiatry subverting the courts.

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The Chantix Fraud

The Chantix Fraud

A study published July 4, 2011 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal concluded that smokers who take Chantix, a smoking cessation drug, could increase their risk of heart problems.

The study found that there are “safety concerns about the potential for an increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with the use of varenicline among tobacco users.”

The heart problems are the latest in a growing list of concerns raised by patient reports, lawsuits and studies since the drug’s approval in 2006.

The drug could cause changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, according to its warning label. Chantix carries a boxed warning — the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s most restrictive safety labeling — because of the risk of psychological events.

Chantix has been banned by the Federal Aviation Administration for pilots and air-traffic controllers because it may cause loss of consciousness and blackouts. Truck and bus drivers are also not allowed to take the drug.

Among all this is the apparently deliberate attempt to mislead the public regarding the true nature of Pfizer’s Chantix. What are they not saying?

Guess what? Chantix is an addictive benzodiazepine-based psychotropic anti-anxiety drug.

That’s a mouthful.

Just don’t put it in your mouth.

It might just stop you from smoking – permanently.

Click here for more information about the side effects of psychiatric drugs.

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