According to a July 14 Associated Press article, China’s Health Ministry has ordered Linyi Mental Health Hospital in eastern Shandong province to stop using electric shock therapy to cure youths of Internet addiction, saying there was no scientific evidence it worked.
[Editorial Comment: Neither is there any scientific evidence for “Internet addiction.” Give us a break!]
Surveys of legislators and health insurance industry personnel in the United States reveal an appalling level of misinformation about electroshock. Deceived by psychiatry’s propaganda machine, the majority are content to leave it up to the “experts.” While openly admitting that they have no idea how Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT) works, psychiatrists have no trouble in arrogantly assuming the mantle of “expert.”
But who are the real victims and what is the real cost? With the hundreds of thousands of people being subjected to electroshock around the world each year, this is a story of ruined lives. Today, the psychiatric industry in the United States alone takes an estimated $5 billion from ECT per year. In spite of its sophisticated trappings of science, the brutality of ECT verifies that psychiatry has not advanced beyond the cruelty and barbarism of its earliest treatments.
Physically intrusive practices such as ECT violate the doctor’s pledge to uphold the Hippocratic Oath and “Do no harm.” ECT should be labeled for what it is – torture – and it should be banned worldwide.
Get the facts by reading the CCHR publication The Brutal Reality: Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’ – Report and recommendations on the destructive practices of electroshock and psychosurgery. Once armed with the facts, we are confident you will form part of the rapidly growing voice of protest that will be the final demise of this cruel and inhuman practice. Write your state and federal legislators and tell them to ban electric shock.