The U.S. Senate Finance Committee has voted down a measure which would require making the full Health Care Reform bill available for review before the panel votes on it. The committee has a “conceptual” version of the health-care bill rather than a full legislative text of the bill. “It would seem crazy to most people that we vote on something when we didn’t see the legislative language,” Senator Jim Bunning said, “Well, they’d be right. It is crazy.”

See WSJ article here http://3.ly/ZML

Also see America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009.

If you find it hard to believe that the U.S. Senate could vote on a bill as important as the Health Care Reform bill without A) Reading the actual text of the entire bill and B) Allowing the PUBLIC to read the entire bill, then you are not alone.

There are measures in the Health Care Reform bill that include major funding for psychiatric “screening” programs and psychiatric funding that must be eliminated.

Click here http://3.ly/Gcj to go to cchrint.org — read the provisions of the bill and contact your U.S. Senators.

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